Regex Runner

Input Process



Modes: m multiline i ignore case g global

. match any Symbol but New Line
^ Begin of Input or Line $ End of Input or Line
[abc] match either a,b or c
[^abc] match any Symbol but  a,b or c
c{n,m} match c n to m times without m its infinit
c{n}   match c n times
str(?=trg) match str if followed by trg
str(?!trg) match str if not followed by trg
str1|str2 match either str1 or str2

\ escapes special charactes like *,?,+,. or itself \\
? match onetime or not {0,1}
* match any number {0,}
+ match at least once {1,}
(str) group match str $1..9 to access in replace \1..9 to access in match
(?:str) group match str but do not remember

\w any alpha numeric [A-Za-z0-9_] \W inverse
\s any whitespace \S inverse
\n New Line
\d digit \D inverse
[\b] backspace
\b word boundary \B non word boundary
\f form feed
\r carriage return
\t tab \v vertical tab
\xHH match character at hexadecimal codepoint HH
\uHHHH match character at hexadecimal codepoint HHHH
\0 matches NUL but \0OOO codes character octal

by Default the Regex is Processed after every change in one of the processing fields
turn this Autotrigger off if you write complex Regex or process huge Inputs
red borders show missing inputs
non empty Replace field > replace
empty Replace field     > match

accesskey usage:
Firefox: [Alt] + [Shift] + [key]
Chrome and Co: [Alt] + [key]
Mac: [Control] + [Alt] + [key]