AT (Hayes) library interface. More...

Detailed Description

AT (Hayes) library interface.

Kaspar Schleiser

Definition in file at.h.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "isrpipe.h"
#include "periph/uart.h"
#include "clist.h"
#include "kernel_defines.h"
#include "event.h"
+ Include dependency graph for at.h:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  at_urc_t
 Unsolicited result code data structure. More...
struct  at_dev_t
 AT device structure. More...


#define CONFIG_AT_SEND_EOL   "\r"
 End of line character to send after the AT command.
 Enable this to disable check for echo after an AT command is sent.
#define AT_SEND_ECHO   1
 Enable/disable the expected echo after an AT command is sent. More...
#define AT_RECV_EOL_1   "\r"
 1st end of line character received (S3 aka CR character for a modem).
#define AT_RECV_EOL_2   "\n"
 1st end of line character received (S4 aka LF character for a modem).
#define CONFIG_AT_RECV_OK   "OK"
 default OK reply of an AT device.
 default ERROR reply of an AT device.
 Default buffer size used to process unsolicited result code data. More...
 Size of buffer used to process unsolicited result code data.
#define AT_SEND_EOL_LEN   (sizeof(CONFIG_AT_SEND_EOL) - 1)
 Shortcut for getting send end of line length.


typedef void(* at_urc_cb_t) (void *arg, const char *code)
 Unsolicited result code callback. More...


int at_dev_init (at_dev_t *dev, uart_t uart, uint32_t baudrate, char *buf, size_t bufsize)
 Initialize AT device struct. More...
int at_send_cmd_wait_ok (at_dev_t *dev, const char *command, uint32_t timeout)
 Simple command helper. More...
int at_send_cmd_wait_prompt (at_dev_t *dev, const char *command, uint32_t timeout)
 Send AT command, wait for a prompt. More...
ssize_t at_send_cmd_get_resp (at_dev_t *dev, const char *command, char *resp_buf, size_t len, uint32_t timeout)
 Send AT command, wait for response. More...
ssize_t at_send_cmd_get_lines (at_dev_t *dev, const char *command, char *resp_buf, size_t len, bool keep_eol, uint32_t timeout)
 Send AT command, wait for multiline response. More...
int at_expect_bytes (at_dev_t *dev, const char *bytes, uint32_t timeout)
 Expect bytes from device. More...
int at_recv_bytes_until_string (at_dev_t *dev, const char *string, char *bytes, size_t *bytes_len, uint32_t timeout)
 Receives bytes into bytes buffer until the string pattern string is received or the buffer is full. More...
void at_send_bytes (at_dev_t *dev, const char *bytes, size_t len)
 Send raw bytes to a device. More...
ssize_t at_recv_bytes (at_dev_t *dev, char *bytes, size_t len, uint32_t timeout)
 Receive raw bytes from a device. More...
int at_send_cmd (at_dev_t *dev, const char *command, uint32_t timeout)
 Send command to device. More...
ssize_t at_readline (at_dev_t *dev, char *resp_buf, size_t len, bool keep_eol, uint32_t timeout)
 Read a line from device. More...
void at_drain (at_dev_t *dev)
 Drain device input buffer. More...
void at_dev_poweron (at_dev_t *dev)
 Power device on. More...
void at_dev_poweroff (at_dev_t *dev)
 Power device off. More...
void at_add_urc (at_dev_t *dev, at_urc_t *urc)
 Add a callback for an unsolicited response code. More...
void at_remove_urc (at_dev_t *dev, at_urc_t *urc)
 Remove an unsolicited response code from the list. More...
void at_process_urc (at_dev_t *dev, uint32_t timeout)
 Process out-of-band data received from the device. More...