Deprecated List
Use inverse CONFIG_AT_SEND_SKIP_ECHO instead. Will be removed after 2021.01 release.
Global gcoap_add_qstring (coap_pkt_t *pdu, const char *key, const char *val)
Will not be available after the 2020.10 release. Use coap_opt_add_uri_query() instead.
Use inverse CONFIG_GNRC_MAC_DISABLE_DUTYCYCLE_RECORD instead. Will be removed after 2021.01 release.
Module GPIO instance definitions

will be removed after adaption of periph drivers

Module GPIO instance definitions

will be removed after adaption of periph drivers

Use inverse CONFIG_LORA_PAYLOAD_CRC_OFF_DEFAULT instead. Will be removed after 2021.04 release.
Module Port control register addresses

will be removed after adaption of periph drivers, use IOC->OVER and IOC->SEL instead

Module Port control register addresses

will be removed after adaption of periph drivers, use IOC->OVER and IOC->SEL instead

Global saul_reg_rm (saul_reg_t *dev)
This function will be removed soon as it is practically unusable for the above reasons.
Global sock_dtls_session_create (sock_dtls_t *sock, const sock_udp_ep_t *ep, sock_dtls_session_t *remote, unsigned timeout)
Will not be available after the 2020.10 release. Please use sock_dtls_session_init() and sock_dtls_recv() instead.
Global SPIClass::setBitOrder (uint8_t order)
This function is deprecated in the official Arduino API, so it is a good idea to not use it. In RIOT, this function is not yet scheduled for removal to allow using Arduino libraries using it.
Global SPIClass::setClockDivider (uint8_t divider)
This function is deprecated in the official Arduino API, so it is a good idea to not use it. In RIOT, this function is not yet scheduled for removal to allow using Arduino libraries using it.
Global SPIClass::setDataMode (uint8_t mode)
This function is deprecated in the official Arduino API, so it is a good idea to not use it. In RIOT, this function is not yet scheduled for removal to allow using Arduino libraries using it.
Module Unique names for each GPIO port/pin combination

will be removed after adaption of periph drivers, use GPIO_PIN macro instead

Module Unique names for each GPIO port/pin combination

will be removed after adaption of periph drivers, use GPIO_PIN macro instead

Module Values for IOC_PXX_OVER

will be removed after adaption of periph drivers, use cc2538_ioc_over_t instead

Module Values for IOC_PXX_OVER

will be removed after adaption of periph drivers, use cc2538_ioc_over_t instead