fatfs.h File Reference

FatFs integration for vfs. More...

Detailed Description

FatFs integration for vfs.

Michel Rottleuthner miche.nosp@m.l.ro.nosp@m.ttleu.nosp@m.thne.nosp@m.r@haw.nosp@m.-ham.nosp@m.burg..nosp@m.de

Definition in file fatfs.h.

#include "fatfs/ff.h"
#include "vfs.h"
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Data Structures

struct  fatfs_desc
 FatFs instance descriptor. More...
struct  fatfs_file_desc
 FatFs file instance descriptor. More...


#define FATFS_YEAR_OFFSET   (1980)
 The year in FatFs timestamps is relative to this offset.
#define EPOCH_YEAR_OFFSET   (1970)
 The epoch offset is used to convert between FatFs and time_t timestamps.
#define FATFS_MAX_VOL_STR_LEN   (6)
 size needed for volume strings like "n:/" where n is the volume id
#define FATFS_MOUNT_OPT   (1)
 0:mount on first file access, 1 mount in f_mount() call
 Size of path buffer for absolute paths. More...


typedef struct fatfs_desc fatfs_desc_t
 FatFs instance descriptor.
typedef struct fatfs_file_desc fatfs_file_desc_t
 FatFs file instance descriptor.


const vfs_file_system_t fatfs_file_system
 The FatFs vfs driver, a pointer to a fatfs_desc_t must be provided as vfs_mountp::private_data.