ESP32 Boards

This group of boards contains the documentation defined ESP32 boards. More...

Detailed Description

This group of boards contains the documentation defined ESP32 boards.

For detailed information about the ESP32 SoC, the tool chain as well as configuring and compiling RIOT for ESP32 boards, see RIOT-OS on ESP32 boards.


 Support for for Espressif ESP-WROVER-KIT V3.
 ESP32 Common
 Definitions and configurations that are common for all ESP32 boards.
 Generic ESP32-WROOM-32 boards
 Support for generic ESP32-WROOM-32 boards.
 Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 V2 boards
 Support for Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 V2 boards.
 Support for MH-ET LIVE MiniKit for ESP32.
 Olimex ESP32-EVB
 Support for Olimex ESP32-EVB and ESP32-GATEWAY.
 TTGO T-Beam
 Support for TTGO T-Beam boards.
 Wemos LOLIN D32 Pro
 Support for Wemos LOLIN D32 Pro.