nRF52 DK

Support for the nRF52 DK. More...

Detailed Description

Support for the nRF52 DK.


There are some nameless simple development Boards with an nRF52832 available. These boards providing access to most SoC ports. There are two buttons (RST, KEY), two LED’s (Pin 30, 31), a voltage regulator and a current measurement shunt on board. A serial connection and flashing must be provided by external Hardware.

The nRF52832 is a SoC with a 32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M4F CPU with 512KiB Flash and 64KiB RAM. The embedded 2.4GHz transceiver supports Bluetooth low energy, ANT and proprietary 2.4 GHz protocol stack. It is on air compatible with the nRF51 Series, nRF24L and nRF24AP Series products from Nordic Semiconductor.


nRF52 minimal development

MCU NRF52832
Family ARM Cortex-M4F
Vendor Nordic Semiconductor
Flash 512KiB
Frequency 64MHz
FPU yes
Timers 5 (32-bit)
ADCs 1x 12-bit (8 channels)
SPIs 3
I2Cs 2
I2S 1
PWM 3*4 Channels
Radio 2.4GHz BLE compatiple, -20 dBm to +4 dBm output, -96 dBm RX sensitivity
Vcc 1.7V - 3.6V
Datasheet Datasheet
Reference Manual Reference Manual

Pin layout

MCU pin Board pin Function
P0.0 n.c.
P0.1 n.c.
P0.2 D07
P0.3 D08
P0.4 D09 KEY
P0.5 D10
P0.6 D13
P0.7 D14
P0.8 D15
P0.9 n.c.
P0.10 n.c. NFC antenna 2 (unusable)
P0.11 D18 RXD (software defined)
P0.12 D19 TXD (software defined)
P0.13 D20
P0.14 D21
P0.15 D22
P0.16 D23
P0.17 D24
P0.18 D25
P0.19 D26
P0.20 D27
P0.22 D28 near Radio! -> Low drive, low frequency I/O only.
P0.23 D29 near Radio! -> Low drive, low frequency I/O only.
P0.24 D30 near Radio! -> Low drive, low frequency I/O only.
P0.25 D00 near Radio! -> Low drive, low frequency I/O only.
P0.26 D01 near Radio! -> Low drive, low frequency I/O only.
P0.27 D02 near Radio! -> Low drive, low frequency I/O only.
P0.28 D03 near Radio! -> Low drive, low frequency I/O only.
P0.29 D04 near Radio! -> Low drive, low frequency I/O only.
P0.30 D05 LED0, near Radio! -> Low drive, low frequency I/O only.
P0.31 D06 LED1, near Radio! -> Low drive, low frequency I/O only.
V33 3.3V for MCU
D16 ?
D17 ?
VBUS 5V input
RXD n.c.
TXD n.c.
TD0 n.c.
TD1 n.c.

Caution**: NFC is not usable with this board.

RESET pin configuration

On many (all?) nrf52dk boards, the reset pin is not configured out-of-the box. This means, that simply nothing happens if the RESET pin is pressed. To change this, RIOT provides a little tool in dist/tools/nrf52_resetpin_cfg.

Simply compile, flash, and run that tool on your board, and the reset pin should work for the time being.

Current measurement:

There are two pins for current measurement on board. Don't connect these pins to GND!. The left pin is at 3.3V level and the right pin is connected to V33. Divide the measured voltage between this pins by 22 to get the current.

Flash the board

See the Flashing section in nRF52 common.

Accessing STDIO via UART

The STDIO is directly accessible via the USB port. On a Linux host, it's generally mapped to /dev/ttyACM0.

Use the term target to connect to the board serial port

make BOARD=nrf52dk -C examples/hello-world term


file  board.h
 Board specific configuration for the nRF52 DK.
file  periph_conf.h
 Peripheral configuration for the nRF52 DK.