
Support for the TelosB board. More...

Detailed Description

Support for the TelosB board.


MCU TI MSP430F1611
Family MSP430
Vendor Texas Instruments
Package 64 QFN
RAM 10Kb
Flash 48Kb
Frequency 8MHz
FPU no
Timers 2 (2x 16bit)
ADCs 1x 8 channel 12-bit
SPIs 2
I2Cs 1
Vcc 2.0V - 3.6V
Datasheet / Reference Manual Datasheet
User Guide User Guide


RF Chip Texas Instruments® CC2420
Frequency Band 2.4GHz ~ 2.485GHz
Standard compliance IEEE 802.15.4 compliant
Receive Sensitivity -95dBm typ
Transfer Rate 250Kbps
RF Power -25dBm ~ 0dBm
Range ~120m(outdoor), 20~30m(indoor)
Current Draw RX: 18.8mA TX: 17.4mA Sleep mode: 1uA
RF Power Supply 2.1V ~ 3.6V
Antenna Dipole Antenna / PCB Antenna
Datasheet Datasheet

Flashing RIOT

Flashing RIOT on the TelosB is quite straight forward, just connect your board using the USB connector to your host computer and type:

make flash

This should take care of everything!

Using the shell

The shell is using the UART interface of the TelosB at 115200 baud.

More information



file  board.h
 Basic definitions for the TelosB board.
file  periph_conf.h
 TelosB peripheral configuration.