Sensor Device Configurations

Compile time configurations for Sensors. More...

Detailed Description

Compile time configurations for Sensors.


 ADCXX1C driver compile configurations
 ADS101 driver compile configuration
 Adafruit Seesaw Soil Moisture and Temperature Sensor driver compile configuration
 BMX055 sensor driver compile configuration
 DS1307 RTC driver compile configuration
 FXOS8700 accelerometer/magnetometer driver compile configuration
 GP2Y10xx driver compile configurations
 HDC1000 Humidity and Temperature Sensor driver compile configuration
 ISL29020 light sensor driver compile configuration
 L3G4200D gyroscope driver compile configuration
 LPS331AP/LPS25HB/LPS22HB driver compile configuration
 MAG3110 Magnetometer driver compile configuration
 MMA8x5x Accelerometer driver compile configuration
 MPL3115A2 Pressure Sensor driver compile configuration
 OPT3001 Ambient Light Sensor driver compile configuration
 PIR Motion Sensor driver compile configuration
 SPS30 PM Sensor driver compile configuration
 TCS37727 RGB Light Sensor driver compile configuration
 TMP006/TMP007 Infrared Thermopile Sensor driver compile configuration