pcd8544.h File Reference

Interface definition for the PCD8544 LCD driver. More...

Detailed Description

Interface definition for the PCD8544 LCD driver.

Hauke Petersen hauke.nosp@m..pet.nosp@m.ersen.nosp@m.@fu-.nosp@m.berli.nosp@m.n.de

Definition in file pcd8544.h.

#include <stdint.h>
#include "periph/gpio.h"
#include "periph/spi.h"
+ Include dependency graph for pcd8544.h:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  pcd8544_t
 PCD8544 device descriptor. More...


int pcd8544_init (pcd8544_t *dev, spi_t spi, gpio_t cs, gpio_t reset, gpio_t mode)
 Initialize the given display. More...
void pcd8544_set_contrast (const pcd8544_t *dev, uint8_t contrast)
 Set the contrast for the given display. More...
void pcd8544_set_tempcoef (const pcd8544_t *dev, uint8_t coef)
 Set the temperature coefficient for the given display. More...
void pcd8544_set_bias (const pcd8544_t *dev, uint8_t bias)
 Set the internal BIAS for the given display. More...
void pcd8544_write_img (const pcd8544_t *dev, const uint8_t img[])
 Write an image to memory of the given display. More...
void pcd8544_write_c (const pcd8544_t *dev, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, const char c)
 Write a single ASCII character to the display. More...
void pcd8544_write_s (const pcd8544_t *dev, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, const char *str)
 Write a string to a given position on the display. More...
void pcd8544_clear (const pcd8544_t *dev)
 Clear the current display (clear the display memory) More...
void pcd8544_invert (pcd8544_t *dev)
 Invert the display (toggles dark and bright pixels) More...
int pcd8544_is_inverted (const pcd8544_t *dev)
 Get the current inversion status of the display. More...
void pcd8544_poweron (const pcd8544_t *dev)
 Power on the display. More...
void pcd8544_poweroff (const pcd8544_t *dev)
 Poser off the display. More...
void pcd8544_riot (const pcd8544_t *dev)
 I wonder what this does -> find out! More...

Definition of display dimensions

#define PCD8544_RES_X   (84U)
 pixels per row
#define PCD8544_RES_Y   (48U)
 pixels per column
#define PCD8544_COLS   (14U)
 characters per row
#define PCD8544_ROWS   (6U)
 characters per column

Default values for temperature compensation and contrast

#define PCD8544_DEFAULT_CONTRAST   (45U)
#define PCD8544_DEFAULT_BIAS   (3U)
#define PCD8544_DEFAULT_TEMPCOEF   (0U)