Internal definitions for AD7746 capacitance sensor. More...

Detailed Description

Internal definitions for AD7746 capacitance sensor.

Leandro Lanzieri

Definition in file ad7746_internal.h.

Go to the source code of this file.


#define AD7746_RESET_CMD   (0xBF)
 AD7746 reset command.

AD7746 registers

#define AD7746_REG_STATUS   (0x00)
#define AD7746_REG_CAP_DATA_H   (0x01)
 Capacitive channel data High.
#define AD7746_REG_CAP_DATA_M   (0x02)
 Capacitive channel data Med.
#define AD7746_REG_CAP_DATA_L   (0x03)
 Capacitive channel data Low.
#define AD7746_REG_VT_DATA_H   (0x04)
 Voltage/Temp channel data High.
#define AD7746_REG_VT_DATA_M   (0x05)
 Voltage/Temp channel data Med.
#define AD7746_REG_VT_DATA_L   (0x06)
 Voltage/Temp channel data Low.
#define AD7746_REG_CAP_SETUP   (0x07)
 Capacitive channel setup.
#define AD7746_REG_VT_SETUP   (0x08)
 Voltage/Temp channel setup.
#define AD7746_REG_EXC_SETUP   (0x09)
 Capacitive channel excitation setup.
#define AD7746_REG_CONFIGURATION   (0x0A)
#define AD7746_REG_CAP_DAC_A   (0x0B)
 Capacitive DAC A setup.
#define AD7746_REG_CAP_DAC_B   (0x0C)
 Capacitive DAC B setup.
#define AD7746_REG_CAP_OFF_H   (0x0D)
 Capacitive offset High.
#define AD7746_REG_CAP_OFF_L   (0x0E)
 Capacitive offset Low.
#define AD7746_REG_CAP_GAIN_H   (0x0F)
 Capacitive gain High.
#define AD7746_REG_CAP_GAIN_L   (0x10)
 Capacitive gain Low.
#define AD7746_REG_VOLT_GAIN_H   (0x11)
 Voltage gain High.
#define AD7746_REG_VOLT_GAIN_L   (0x12)
 Voltage gain Low.

AD7746 Status register bits

#define AD7746_STATUS_EXCERR_BIT   (3)
 excitation output error
#define AD7746_STATUS_RDY_BIT   (2)
 conversion ready
#define AD7746_STATUS_RDYVT_BIT   (1)
 voltage/temperature ready
#define AD7746_STATUS_RDYCAP_BIT   (0)
 capacitance ready

AD7746 Capacitive channel setup register bits

#define AD7746_CAP_SETUP_CAPEN_BIT   (7)
 capacitive channel enable
#define AD7746_CAP_SETUP_CIN2_BIT   (6)
 second capacitive channel
#define AD7746_CAP_SETUP_CAPDIFF_BIT   (5)
 differential mode enable
#define AD7746_CAP_SETUP_CACHOP_BIT   (0)
 capacitive channel chopping

AD7746 Voltage/Temperature channel setup register bits

#define AD7746_VT_SETUP_VTEN_BIT   (7)
#define AD7746_VT_SETUP_VTMD1_BIT   (6)
#define AD7746_VT_SETUP_VTMD0_BIT   (5)
#define AD7746_VT_SETUP_EXTREF_BIT   (4)
#define AD7746_VT_SETUP_VTSHORT_BIT   (1)
#define AD7746_VT_SETUP_VTCHOP_BIT   (0)

AD7746 Capacitive channel excitation setup register bits

#define AD7746_EXC_SETUP_CLKCTRL_BIT   (7)
 Clock control.
#define AD7746_EXC_SETUP_EXCON_BIT   (6)
 Excitation signal control.
#define AD7746_EXC_SETUP_EXCB_BIT   (5)
 EXCB pin enable.
#define AD7746_EXC_SETUP_INV_EXCB_BIT   (4)
 EXCB pin disable.
#define AD7746_EXC_SETUP_EXCA_BIT   (3)
 EXCA pin enable.
#define AD7746_EXC_SETUP_INV_EXCA_BIT   (2)
 EXCA pin disable.
#define AD7746_EXC_SETUP_EXCLVL1_BIT   (1)
 Excitation voltage level 1.
#define AD7746_EXC_SETUP_EXCLVL0_BIT   (0)
 Excitation voltage level 0.

AD7746 Configuration register bits

#define AD7746_CONFIGURATION_VTF1_BIT   (7)
#define AD7746_CONFIGURATION_VTF0_BIT   (6)
#define AD7746_CONFIGURATION_CAPF2_BIT   (5)
#define AD7746_CONFIGURATION_CAPF1_BIT   (4)
#define AD7746_CONFIGURATION_CAPF0_BIT   (3)
#define AD7746_CONFIGURATION_MD2_BIT   (2)
#define AD7746_CONFIGURATION_MD1_BIT   (1)
#define AD7746_CONFIGURATION_MD0_BIT   (0)

AD7746 DAC A register bits

#define AD7746_DACAEN_BIT   7

AD7746 DAC B register bits

#define AD7746_DACBEN_BIT   7