Functions to communicate with the CC1100/CC1101 transceiver. More...

Detailed Description

Functions to communicate with the CC1100/CC1101 transceiver.

Marian Buschsieweke

Definition in file cc110x_communication.h.

#include "periph/gpio.h"
#include "periph/spi.h"
#include "cc110x.h"
#include "cc110x_constants.h"
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static int cc110x_acquire (cc110x_t *dev)
 Acquire the SPI interface of the transceiver and configure it. More...
static void cc110x_release (cc110x_t *dev)
 Release the SPI interface of the transceiver.
uint8_t cc110x_read (cc110x_t *dev, uint8_t addr, uint8_t *dest)
 Read a single configuration/status register from the transceiver. More...
uint8_t cc110x_read_reliable (cc110x_t *dev, uint8_t addr, uint8_t *dest)
 Read a single status register from the transceiver reliable. More...
uint8_t cc110x_write (cc110x_t *dev, uint8_t addr, uint8_t data)
 Write to a single configuration register on the transceiver. More...
uint8_t cc110x_burst_read (cc110x_t *dev, uint8_t addr, void *dest, size_t len)
 Burst-read a bunch of configuration registers from the transceiver. More...
uint8_t cc110x_burst_write (cc110x_t *dev, uint8_t addr, const void *src, size_t len)
 Burst-write to a bunch of configuration registers on the transceiver. More...
uint8_t cc110x_cmd (cc110x_t *dev, uint8_t cmd)
 Send a command to the transceiver. More...
uint8_t cc110x_status (cc110x_t *dev)
 Get the transceivers status byte in a reliable way. More...
int cc110x_power_on (cc110x_t *dev)
 Wakes up the transceiver from "Sleep" or "Crystal oscillator off" state and waits until the crystal has stabilized. More...

Function Documentation

◆ cc110x_acquire()

static int cc110x_acquire ( cc110x_t dev)

Acquire the SPI interface of the transceiver and configure it.

Return values
SPI_NOMODESPI mode 0 not supported by MCU
SPI_NOCLKSPI clock given in cc110x_params_t is not supported
cc110x_power_on has be called before calling this function. (Only needed once when the driver initializes.)

Definition at line 41 of file cc110x_communication.h.

◆ cc110x_burst_read()

uint8_t cc110x_burst_read ( cc110x_t dev,
uint8_t  addr,
void *  dest,
size_t  len 

Burst-read a bunch of configuration registers from the transceiver.

devDevice descriptor of the transceiver to read from
addrAddress to start reading from
destDestination buffer to store the received data to
lenNumber of bytes to read starting from addr
The received status byte
dest points to a pre-allocated buffer of >= len bytes
addr + len <= 0x2e (CC110X_REG_TEST0)
Burst read access from status registers is impossible (==> second precondition)
The received status byte is occasionally corrupted. (See Silicon Errata from 2015 at pages 4ff.) Use cc110x_status To get the status byte in a reliable way.

◆ cc110x_burst_write()

uint8_t cc110x_burst_write ( cc110x_t dev,
uint8_t  addr,
const void *  src,
size_t  len 

Burst-write to a bunch of configuration registers on the transceiver.

devDevice descriptor of the transceiver to write
addrAddress to start writing to
srcBuffer holding the configuration to write
lenNumber of registers to write to
The received status byte
src points to len bytes of readable memory
addr + len <= 0x2e (CC110X_REG_TEST0)
Writes to status registers is impossible (==> second precondition)
The received status byte is occasionally corrupted. (See Silicon Errata from 2015 at pages 4ff.) Use cc110x_status to get the status byte in a reliable way.

◆ cc110x_cmd()

uint8_t cc110x_cmd ( cc110x_t dev,
uint8_t  cmd 

Send a command to the transceiver.

devDevice descriptor of the transceiver to send the command to
cmdCommand to send
The received status byte
The received status byte is occasionally corrupted. (See Silicon Errata from 2015 at pages 4ff.) Use cc110x_status to get the status byte in a reliable way.

◆ cc110x_power_on()

int cc110x_power_on ( cc110x_t dev)

Wakes up the transceiver from "Sleep" or "Crystal oscillator off" state and waits until the crystal has stabilized.

Thus function clears the CS pin, which triggers a transition from the "Sleep" or "Crystal oscillator off" states (see Figure 13 on page 28 in the data sheet).

If the crystal was off (only in above mentioned states), the MCU must wait for the transceiver to become ready before any SPI transfer is initiated. In all other states, CS pin can be pulled low and SPI transfer can start right away (see section 10 on page 29 in the data sheet). This driver will never disable the transceivers crystal, so this function has to be called only once when the transceiver is powered on.

The transceiver will signal that it is available by pulling the MISO pin low (section 10 on page 29 in the data sheet), which does not take longer than 150 microseconds (see Table 22 on page 30 in the data sheet). Instead of messing with the SPI interface, this driver simply waits for this upper bound, as suggested in the note below Table 22 on page 30 in the data sheet.

Return values
-EIOCouldn't pull the CS pin down (cc110x_params_t::cs)

◆ cc110x_read()

uint8_t cc110x_read ( cc110x_t dev,
uint8_t  addr,
uint8_t *  dest 

Read a single configuration/status register from the transceiver.

devDevice descriptor of the transceiver to read the register from
addrAddress of the register to read
destWhere to store the received register content
The received status byte
dest points to one byte of writeable memory
Race condition: SPI access to status registers can occur while their content is changed, resulting in corrupted data being retrieved. cc110x_read_reliable provides reliable access to status registers and should be used to read the TXBYTES, RXBYTES, MARCSTATE, LQI, RSSI, WORTIME1 and WORTIME0 status registers. (See Silicon Errata from 2015 at pages 4ff.) (In IDLE state LQI and RSSI can be read safely using this function.)
The received status byte is occasionally corrupted. (See Silicon Errata from 2015 at pages 4ff.) Use cc110x_status To get the status byte in a reliable way.

◆ cc110x_read_reliable()

uint8_t cc110x_read_reliable ( cc110x_t dev,
uint8_t  addr,
uint8_t *  dest 

Read a single status register from the transceiver reliable.

This function has more overhead than cc110x_read, but it is the only reliable way to access frequently updated status registers.

devDevice descriptor of the transceiver to read the register from
addrAddress of the register to read
destWhere to store the received register content
The received status byte
dest points to one byte of writeable memory
The received status byte is occasionally corrupted. (See Silicon Errata from 2015 at pages 4ff.) Use cc110x_status To get the status byte in a reliable way.

◆ cc110x_status()

uint8_t cc110x_status ( cc110x_t dev)

Get the transceivers status byte in a reliable way.

devDevice descriptor of the transceiver to get the status from
The received status byte

◆ cc110x_write()

uint8_t cc110x_write ( cc110x_t dev,
uint8_t  addr,
uint8_t  data 

Write to a single configuration register on the transceiver.

devDevice descriptor of the transceiver to write byte to
addrAddress of the register to write to
dataData to write
The received status byte
addr <= 0x2e (CC110X_REG_TEST0)
Writing to status registers is impossible (==> precondition)
The received status byte is occasionally corrupted. (See Silicon Errata from 2015 at pages 4ff.) Use cc110x_status To get the status byte in a reliable way.