dfplayer_constants.h File Reference

Constants used in the DFPlayer Mini Driver. More...

Detailed Description

Constants used in the DFPlayer Mini Driver.

Marian Buschsieweke maria.nosp@m.n.bu.nosp@m.schsi.nosp@m.ewek.nosp@m.e@ovg.nosp@m.u.de

Definition in file dfplayer_constants.h.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <periph/gpio.h>
#include <mutex.h>
+ Include dependency graph for dfplayer_constants.h:
+ This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:

Go to the source code of this file.


#define DFPLAYER_BOOTUP_TIME_MS   (3000)
 Boot up of the device takes 1.5 to 3 secs.
#define DFPLAYER_TIMEOUT_MS   (100)
 Timeout waiting for a replay in milliseconds.
#define DFPLAYER_SEND_DELAY_MS   (100)
 Wait 100ms after a cmd to work around hw bug.
#define DFPLAYER_RETRIES   (5)
 How often to retry a command on timeout.
#define DFPLAYER_MAX_VOLUME   (30)
 Maximum supported volume.
#define DFPLAYER_MAX_FOLDER   (99)
 Highest supported folder number.
#define DFPLAYER_MAX_MP3_FILE   (9999)
 Highest supported file number in the "MP3" folder.
 Highest supported file number in the "ADVERT" folder.
#define DFPLAYER_LOWEST_QUERY   (0x40)
 Query commands are 0x40 or higher.

Constants used in frames send to the DFPlayer Mini

#define DFPLAYER_START   (0x7e)
 Start symbol.
#define DFPLAYER_VERSION   (0xff)
 Value to use in version field.
#define DFPLAYER_LEN   (0x06)
 Length of a frame.
#define DFPLAYER_NO_ACK   (0x00)
 No acknowledgement of CMD required.
#define DFPLAYER_ACK   (0x01)
 Acknowledgement of CMD required.
#define DFPLAYER_END   (0xef)
 End symbol.

UART settings of the DFPlayer Mini

#define DFPLAYER_BAUD   (9600)
 Symbol rate of the DFPlayer mini.
 The DFPlayer uses 8 data bits.
 The DFPlayer does not use a parity bit.
 The DFPlayer uses 1 stop bit.

Commands supported by the DFPlayer Mini

#define DFPLAYER_CMD_NEXT   (0x01)
 Start playing the next song.
#define DFPLAYER_CMD_PREV   (0x02)
 Start playing the next song.
#define DFPLAYER_CMD_VOLUME_INC   (0x04)
 Increase volume.
#define DFPLAYER_CMD_VOLUME_DEC   (0x05)
 Decrease volume.
#define DFPLAYER_CMD_SET_VOLUME   (0x06)
 Set the volume to the given level.
 Set the equalizer to the given setting.
#define DFPLAYER_CMD_SET_SOURCE   (0x09)
 Set the source to play files from.
 Enter low power mode.
 Exit low power mode, back to normal mode.
#define DFPLAYER_CMD_RESET   (0x0c)
 Reset the DFPlayer Mini.
#define DFPLAYER_CMD_PLAY   (0x0d)
 Start playing the selected file.
#define DFPLAYER_CMD_PAUSE   (0x0e)
 Pause the playback.
#define DFPLAYER_CMD_FILE   (0x0f)
 Play the given file.
#define DFPLAYER_CMD_PLAY_FROM_MP3   (0x12)
 Play the given file (1-9999) from the folder "MP3"
 Play the given file (1-9999) from the folder "ADVERT", resume current playback afterwards.
 Play the given file (1-9999) from the folder "ADVERT", resume current playback afterwards.
 Start repeat-playing the given folder (1-99)
#define DFPLAYER_CMD_RANDOM   (0x18)
 Start playing all files in random order.
#define DFPLAYER_CMD_REPEAT   (0x19)
 0 = repeat currently played file, 1 = stop repeating
#define DFPLAYER_CMD_GET_STATUS   (0x42)
 Retrieve the current status.
#define DFPLAYER_CMD_GET_VOLUME   (0x43)
 Retrieve the current volume.
 Retrieve the current equalizer setting.
#define DFPLAYER_CMD_GET_MODE   (0x45)
 Retrieve the current playback mode.
 Retrieve the device's software version.
#define DFPLAYER_CMD_FILES_USB   (0x47)
 Get the total number of files on USB storage.
 Get the total number of files on the SD card.
 Get the total number of files on NOR flash.
#define DFPLAYER_CMD_FILENO_USB   (0x4b)
 Get the currently select file number on the USB storage.
 Get the currently select file number on the SD-Card.
 Get the currently select file number on the NOR flash.

Classes of messages received from the DFPlayer

#define DFPLAYER_CLASS_MASK   (0xf0)
 Use this mask to get the class from a response code.
#define DFPLAYER_CLASS_NOTIFY   (0x30)
 Message is an event notification (unrelated to any command)
 Message is a response to the most recent command.

Notification codes send by the DFPlayer Mini

 A USB storage device or an SD card was inserted.
#define DFPLAYER_NOTIFY_EJECT   (0x3b)
 A USB storage device or an SD card was ejected.
 Completed playing the indicated track from USB storage.
 Completed playing the indicated track from SD card.
 Completed playing the indicated track from flash.
#define DFPLAYER_NOTIFY_READY   (0x3f)
 The DFPlayer is ready. More...

Bitmasks identifying the playback sources in the ready notification

#define DFPLAYER_MASK_USB   (0x01)
 USB stick is connected.
#define DFPLAYER_MASK_SDCARD   (0x02)
 SD-Card is connected.
#define DFPLAYER_MASK_PC   (0x04)
 Unclear, has something to do with debugging.
#define DFPLAYER_MASK_FLASH   (0x08)
 NOR flash is connected.

Response codes codes send by the DFPlayer Mini

 While processing the most recent command an error occurred.
#define DFPLAYER_RESPONSE_OK   (0x41)
 Last command succeeded.

Error codes send as parameter of error messages

#define DFPLAYER_ERROR_BUSY   (0x00)
 Module is busy.
#define DFPLAYER_ERROR_FRAME   (0x01)
 Received incomplete frame.
#define DFPLAYER_ERROR_FCS   (0x02)
 Frame check sequence of last frame didn't match.
 File/folder selected for playback (command 0x06) does not exit. More...

Device identifiers in insert/eject notifications

#define DFPLAYER_DEVICE_USB   (0x01)
 A USB storage device was inserted/ejected.
 An SD card was inserted/ejected.

Status bitmasks

These values have been obtained by reverse engineering.

 The DFPlayer is currently playing a song.
#define DFPLAYER_STATUS_PAUSE   (0x02)
 The DFPlayer is paused.

Flags to store info about the driver state

#define DFPLAYER_FLAG_NO_ACK_BUG   (0x01)
 The next command will be affected by the no-ACK bug. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



File/folder selected for playback (command 0x06) does not exit.

Beware: The DFPlayer Mini will acknowledge the command 0x06 first blindly, and send a second acknowledgement when the file exists (0x41), or an error (0x40) if not.

Definition at line 142 of file dfplayer_constants.h.


#define DFPLAYER_FLAG_NO_ACK_BUG   (0x01)

The next command will be affected by the no-ACK bug.

After playback of a file completed, the next command does not get ack'ed by the device. Any subsequent command is however normally ack'ed. Luckily, query commands (0x40 and higher) are not affected. The driver works around this issue by querying the volume prior to sending a control command when this flag is set

Definition at line 173 of file dfplayer_constants.h.


#define DFPLAYER_NOTIFY_READY   (0x3f)

The DFPlayer is ready.

This notification is send after boot/reset when the DFPlayer Mini has become ready. As additional info the 4 least significant bits indicate which playback sources are available.

Definition at line 108 of file dfplayer_constants.h.