gnrc_lorawan_internal.h File Reference

GNRC LoRaWAN internal header. More...

Detailed Description

GNRC LoRaWAN internal header.

Jose Ignacio Alamos

Definition in file gnrc_lorawan_internal.h.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "iolist.h"
#include "net/lora.h"
#include "net/lorawan/hdr.h"
#include "net/gnrc/pktbuf.h"
#include "xtimer.h"
#include "msg.h"
#include "net/netdev.h"
#include "net/netdev/layer.h"
#include "net/loramac.h"
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Data Structures

struct  lorawan_buffer_t
 buffer helper for parsing and constructing LoRaWAN packets. More...
struct  mlme_lorawan_join_t
 MLME Join Request data. More...
struct  mlme_link_req_confirm_t
 MLME Link Check confirmation data. More...
struct  mcps_data_t
 MCPS data. More...
struct  gnrc_lorawan_mcps_t
 MCPS service access point descriptor. More...
struct  gnrc_lorawan_mlme_t
 MLME service access point descriptor. More...
struct  gnrc_lorawan_t
 GNRC LoRaWAN mac descriptor. More...
#define MSG_TYPE_TIMEOUT   (0x3457)
 Timeout message type.
#define MSG_TYPE_MCPS_ACK_TIMEOUT   (0x3458)
 ACK timeout message type.
 Backoff timer expiration message type.
#define MTYPE_MASK   0xE0
 MHDR mtype mask.
#define MTYPE_JOIN_REQUEST   0x0
 Join Request type.
#define MTYPE_JOIN_ACCEPT   0x1
 Join Accept type.
#define MTYPE_UNCNF_UPLINK   0x2
 Unconfirmed uplink type.
 Unconfirmed downlink type.
#define MTYPE_CNF_UPLINK   0x4
 Confirmed uplink type.
#define MTYPE_CNF_DOWNLINK   0x5
 Confirmed downlink type.
#define MTYPE_REJOIN_REQ   0x6
 Re-join request type.
#define MTYPE_PROPIETARY   0x7
 Proprietary frame type.
#define MAJOR_MASK   0x3
 Major mtype mask.
#define MAJOR_LRWAN_R1   0x0
 LoRaWAN R1 version type.
#define JOIN_REQUEST_SIZE   (23U)
 Join Request size in bytes.
#define MIC_SIZE   (4U)
 MIC size in bytes.
#define CFLIST_SIZE   (16U)
 Channel Frequency list size in bytes.
 Maximum number of channels.
#define LORAWAN_STATE_IDLE   (0)
 MAC state machine in idle.
#define LORAWAN_STATE_RX_1   (1)
 MAC state machine in RX1.
#define LORAWAN_STATE_RX_2   (2)
 MAC state machine in RX2.
#define LORAWAN_STATE_TX   (3)
 MAC state machine in TX.
 uplink frame direction
 downlink frame direction
 backoff expire tick in usecs (set to 1 second)
#define GNRC_LORAWAN_BACKOFF_BUDGET_1   (36000000LL)
 budget of time on air during the first hour
#define GNRC_LORAWAN_BACKOFF_BUDGET_2   (36000000LL)
 budget of time on air between 1-10 hours after boot
 budget of time on air every 24 hours
 Internal Link Check request flag.
 size of Command ID in FOps
 Link Check CID.
 size of Link check answer
 mask for detecting overflow in frame counter
 max MAC payload in DR0, DR1 and DR2
 max MAC payload in DR3
 max MAC payload above DR3
 size of Channel Frequency list
 max size of Join Accept frame
 backoff state during the first hour after boot
 backoff state between 1-10 hours after boot
 backoff state past 11 hours after boot
 duration of first backoff state (in hours)
 duration of second backoff state (in hours)
 duration of third backoff state (in hours)
 App Nonce size.
 Net ID size.
 Dev Nonce size.
 Maximum size of Fopts field.
 Size of the Fport field.
 Size of the internal MHDR-MIC buffer. More...
void gnrc_lorawan_encrypt_payload (iolist_t *iolist, const le_uint32_t *dev_addr, uint32_t fcnt, uint8_t dir, const uint8_t *appskey)
 Encrypts LoRaWAN payload. More...
void gnrc_lorawan_decrypt_join_accept (const uint8_t *key, uint8_t *pkt, int has_clist, uint8_t *out)
 Decrypts join accept message. More...
void gnrc_lorawan_generate_session_keys (const uint8_t *app_nonce, const uint8_t *dev_nonce, const uint8_t *appkey, uint8_t *nwkskey, uint8_t *appskey)
 Generate LoRaWAN session keys. More...
int gnrc_lorawan_set_dr (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac, uint8_t datarate)
 Set datarate for the next transmission. More...
size_t gnrc_lorawan_build_uplink (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac, iolist_t *payload, int confirmed_data, uint8_t port)
 build uplink frame More...
uint32_t gnrc_lorawan_pick_channel (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac)
 pick a random available LoRaWAN channel More...
uint8_t gnrc_lorawan_build_options (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac, lorawan_buffer_t *buf)
 Build fopts header. More...
void gnrc_lorawan_process_fopts (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac, uint8_t *fopts, size_t size)
 Process an fopts frame. More...
void gnrc_lorawan_calculate_join_mic (const uint8_t *buf, size_t len, const uint8_t *key, le_uint32_t *out)
 calculate join Message Integrity Code More...
void gnrc_lorawan_calculate_mic (const le_uint32_t *dev_addr, uint32_t fcnt, uint8_t dir, iolist_t *frame, const uint8_t *nwkskey, le_uint32_t *out)
 Calculate Message Integrity Code for a MCPS message. More...
size_t gnrc_lorawan_build_hdr (uint8_t mtype, le_uint32_t *dev_addr, uint32_t fcnt, uint8_t ack, uint8_t fopts_length, lorawan_buffer_t *buf)
 Build a MCPS LoRaWAN header. More...
void gnrc_lorawan_mcps_process_downlink (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac, uint8_t *psdu, size_t size)
 Process an MCPS downlink message (confirmable or non comfirmable) More...
void gnrc_lorawan_channels_init (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac)
 Init regional channel settings. More...
void gnrc_lorawan_reset (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac)
 Reset MAC parameters. More...
void gnrc_lorawan_send_pkt (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac, iolist_t *psdu, uint8_t dr)
 Send a LoRaWAN packet. More...
void gnrc_lorawan_mlme_process_join (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac, uint8_t *data, size_t size)
 Process join accept message. More...
void gnrc_lorawan_mlme_no_rx (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac)
 Inform the MAC layer that no packet was received during reception. More...
void gnrc_lorawan_event_no_rx (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac)
 Mac callback for no RX. More...
void gnrc_lorawan_event_ack_timeout (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac)
 Mac callback for ACK timeout event. More...
uint8_t gnrc_lorawan_region_mac_payload_max (uint8_t datarate)
 Get the maximum MAC payload (M value) for a given datarate. More...
void gnrc_lorawan_mlme_backoff_expire (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac)
 MLME Backoff expiration tick. More...
void gnrc_lorawan_process_pkt (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac, iolist_t *pkt)
 Process and dispatch a full LoRaWAN packet. More...
void gnrc_lorawan_open_rx_window (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac)
 Open a reception window. More...
void gnrc_lorawan_perform_save (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac)
 save internal MAC state in non-volatile storage and shutdown the MAC layer gracefully. More...
static int gnrc_lorawan_mac_acquire (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac)
 Acquire the MAC layer. More...
static void gnrc_lorawan_mac_release (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac)
 Release the MAC layer. More...
void gnrc_lorawan_set_rx2_dr (gnrc_lorawan_t *mac, uint8_t rx2_dr)
 Set the datarate of the second reception window. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Size of the internal MHDR-MIC buffer.

Definition at line 108 of file gnrc_lorawan_internal.h.

Function Documentation

◆ gnrc_lorawan_build_hdr()

size_t gnrc_lorawan_build_hdr ( uint8_t  mtype,
le_uint32_t dev_addr,
uint32_t  fcnt,
uint8_t  ack,
uint8_t  fopts_length,
lorawan_buffer_t buf 

Build a MCPS LoRaWAN header.

[in]mtypethe MType of the header
[in]dev_addrthe Device Address
[in]fcntframe counter
[in]acktrue if ACK bit is set
[in]fopts_lengththe length of the FOpts field
[out]bufdestination buffer of the hdr
the size of the header

◆ gnrc_lorawan_build_options()

uint8_t gnrc_lorawan_build_options ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac,
lorawan_buffer_t buf 

Build fopts header.

[in]macpointer to MAC descriptor
[out]bufdestination buffer of fopts. If NULL, this function just returns the size of the expected fopts frame.
size of the fopts frame

◆ gnrc_lorawan_build_uplink()

size_t gnrc_lorawan_build_uplink ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac,
iolist_t payload,
int  confirmed_data,
uint8_t  port 

build uplink frame

[in]macpointer to MAC descriptor
[in]payloadpacket containing payload
[in]confirmed_datatrue if confirmed frame
[in]portMAC port
full LoRaWAN frame including payload
NULL if packet buffer is full. payload is released

◆ gnrc_lorawan_calculate_join_mic()

void gnrc_lorawan_calculate_join_mic ( const uint8_t *  buf,
size_t  len,
const uint8_t *  key,
le_uint32_t out 

calculate join Message Integrity Code

[in]bufpointer to the frame
[in]lenlength of the frame
[in]keykey used to calculate the MIC
[out]outcalculated MIC

◆ gnrc_lorawan_calculate_mic()

void gnrc_lorawan_calculate_mic ( const le_uint32_t dev_addr,
uint32_t  fcnt,
uint8_t  dir,
iolist_t frame,
const uint8_t *  nwkskey,
le_uint32_t out 

Calculate Message Integrity Code for a MCPS message.

[in]dev_addrthe Device Address
[in]fcntframe counter
[in]dirdirection of the packet (0 is uplink, 1 is downlink)
[in]framepointer to the PSDU frame (without MIC)
[in]nwkskeypointer to the Network Session Key
[out]outcalculated MIC

◆ gnrc_lorawan_channels_init()

void gnrc_lorawan_channels_init ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac)

Init regional channel settings.

   Intended to be called upon initialization
[in]macpointer to the MAC descriptor

◆ gnrc_lorawan_decrypt_join_accept()

void gnrc_lorawan_decrypt_join_accept ( const uint8_t *  key,
uint8_t *  pkt,
int  has_clist,
uint8_t *  out 

Decrypts join accept message.

[in]keykey to be used in the decryption
[in]pktpointer to Join Accept MAC component (next byte after the MHDR)
[in]has_clisttrue if the Join Accept frame has CFList
[out]outbuffer where the decryption is stored

◆ gnrc_lorawan_encrypt_payload()

void gnrc_lorawan_encrypt_payload ( iolist_t iolist,
const le_uint32_t dev_addr,
uint32_t  fcnt,
uint8_t  dir,
const uint8_t *  appskey 

Encrypts LoRaWAN payload.

This function is also used for decrypting a LoRaWAN packet. The LoRaWAN server encrypts the packet using decryption, so the end device only needs to implement encryption
[in]iolistpointer to the MSDU frame
[in]dev_addrdevice address
[in]fcntframe counter
[in]dirdirection of the packet (0 if uplink, 1 if downlink)
[in]appskeypointer to the Application Session Key

◆ gnrc_lorawan_event_ack_timeout()

void gnrc_lorawan_event_ack_timeout ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac)

Mac callback for ACK timeout event.

[in]macpointer to the MAC descriptor

◆ gnrc_lorawan_event_no_rx()

void gnrc_lorawan_event_no_rx ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac)

Mac callback for no RX.

[in]macpointer to the MAC descriptor

◆ gnrc_lorawan_generate_session_keys()

void gnrc_lorawan_generate_session_keys ( const uint8_t *  app_nonce,
const uint8_t *  dev_nonce,
const uint8_t *  appkey,
uint8_t *  nwkskey,
uint8_t *  appskey 

Generate LoRaWAN session keys.

Intended to be called after a successful Join Request in order to generate NwkSKey and AppSKey

[in]app_noncepointer to the app_nonce of the Join Accept message
[in]dev_noncepointer to the dev_nonce buffer
[in]appkeypointer to eh AppKey
[out]nwkskeypointer to the NwkSKey
[out]appskeypointer to the AppSKey

◆ gnrc_lorawan_mac_acquire()

static int gnrc_lorawan_mac_acquire ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac)

Acquire the MAC layer.

[in]macpointer to the MAC descriptor
true on success
false if MAC is already acquired

Definition at line 463 of file gnrc_lorawan_internal.h.

◆ gnrc_lorawan_mac_release()

static void gnrc_lorawan_mac_release ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac)

Release the MAC layer.

[in]macpointer to the MAC descriptor

Definition at line 476 of file gnrc_lorawan_internal.h.

◆ gnrc_lorawan_mcps_process_downlink()

void gnrc_lorawan_mcps_process_downlink ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac,
uint8_t *  psdu,
size_t  size 

Process an MCPS downlink message (confirmable or non comfirmable)

[in]macpointer to the MAC descriptor
[in]psdupointer to the downlink PSDU
[in]sizesize of the PSDU

◆ gnrc_lorawan_mlme_backoff_expire()

void gnrc_lorawan_mlme_backoff_expire ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac)

MLME Backoff expiration tick.

   Should be called every hour in order to maintain the Time On Air budget.
[in]macpointer to the MAC descriptor

◆ gnrc_lorawan_mlme_no_rx()

void gnrc_lorawan_mlme_no_rx ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac)

Inform the MAC layer that no packet was received during reception.

   To be called when the radio reports "NO RX" after the second reception
[in]macpointer to the MAC descriptor

◆ gnrc_lorawan_mlme_process_join()

void gnrc_lorawan_mlme_process_join ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac,
uint8_t *  data,
size_t  size 

Process join accept message.

[in]macpointer to the MAC descriptor
[in]datathe Join Accept packet
[in]sizesize of the Join Accept packet

◆ gnrc_lorawan_open_rx_window()

void gnrc_lorawan_open_rx_window ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac)

Open a reception window.

   This is called by the MAC layer on timeout event.
[in]macpointer to the MAC descriptor

◆ gnrc_lorawan_perform_save()

void gnrc_lorawan_perform_save ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac)

save internal MAC state in non-volatile storage and shutdown the MAC layer gracefully.


◆ gnrc_lorawan_pick_channel()

uint32_t gnrc_lorawan_pick_channel ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac)

pick a random available LoRaWAN channel

[in]macpointer to the MAC descriptor
a free channel

◆ gnrc_lorawan_process_fopts()

void gnrc_lorawan_process_fopts ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac,
uint8_t *  fopts,
size_t  size 

Process an fopts frame.

[in]macpointer to MAC descriptor
[in]foptspointer to fopts frame
[in]sizesize of fopts frame

◆ gnrc_lorawan_process_pkt()

void gnrc_lorawan_process_pkt ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac,
iolist_t pkt 

Process and dispatch a full LoRaWAN packet.

   Intended to be called right after reception from the radio
[in]macpointer to the MAC descriptor
[in]pktthe received packet

◆ gnrc_lorawan_region_mac_payload_max()

uint8_t gnrc_lorawan_region_mac_payload_max ( uint8_t  datarate)

Get the maximum MAC payload (M value) for a given datarate.

This function is region specific
the maximum allowed size of the packet

◆ gnrc_lorawan_reset()

void gnrc_lorawan_reset ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac)

Reset MAC parameters.

This doesn't affect backoff timers variables.
[in]macpointer to the MAC layer

◆ gnrc_lorawan_send_pkt()

void gnrc_lorawan_send_pkt ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac,
iolist_t psdu,
uint8_t  dr 

Send a LoRaWAN packet.

[in]macpointer to the MAC descriptor
[in]psduthe psdu frame to be sent
[in]drthe datarate used for the transmission

◆ gnrc_lorawan_set_dr()

int gnrc_lorawan_set_dr ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac,
uint8_t  datarate 

Set datarate for the next transmission.

[in]macpointer to the MAC descriptor
[in]dataratedesired datarate
0 on success
-EINVAL if datarate is not available in the current region

◆ gnrc_lorawan_set_rx2_dr()

void gnrc_lorawan_set_rx2_dr ( gnrc_lorawan_t mac,
uint8_t  rx2_dr 

Set the datarate of the second reception window.

[in]macpointer to the MAC descriptor
[in]rx2_drdatarate of RX2
Maximum size of Fopts field.
Definition: gnrc_lorawan_internal.h:102
Size of the Fport field.
Definition: gnrc_lorawan_internal.h:103
Data type to represent a LoRaWAN packet header.
Definition: hdr.h:71
#define MIC_SIZE
MIC size in bytes.
Definition: gnrc_lorawan_internal.h:55