ESP8266 compile configurations

Compile-time configuration macros for ESP8266 modules. More...

Detailed Description

Compile-time configuration macros for ESP8266 modules.


file  cpu_conf.h
 CPU specific configuration options.


#define ESP8266_CPU_FREQUENCY   (80)
 Defines the CPU frequency in MHz. More...
#define PRINTF_BUFSIZ   256
 Buffer size used for printf functions (maximum length of formatted output).

Stack size configurations

#define THREAD_STACKSIZE_IDLE   (1024)
#define THREAD_STACKSIZE_MAIN   (3072)
#define GNRC_IPV6_STACK_SIZE   (1536)
#define ESP_NOW_STACKSIZE   (2560)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ESP8266_CPU_FREQUENCY   (80)

Defines the CPU frequency in MHz.

Possible values are 80 and 160 MHz.

Definition at line 38 of file cpu_conf.h.