stm32 USB OTG FS/HS peripheral

USB interface functions for the stm32 class devices. More...

Detailed Description

USB interface functions for the stm32 class devices.


file  usbdev_stm32.h
 USB interface functions for the stm32 OTG FS/HS class devices.

Data Structures

struct  stm32_usb_otg_fshs_t
 stm32 USB OTG peripheral device context More...


 Buffer space available for endpoint TX/RX data.
#define STM32_USB_OTG_FS_RX_FIFO_SIZE   (128U)
 Number of endpoints available with the OTG FS peripheral including the control endpoint. More...
#define STM32_USB_OTG_HS_RX_FIFO_SIZE   (512U)
 USB OTG HS FIFO reception buffer space in 32-bit words. More...
#define STM32_USB_OTG_HS_USE_DMA   (1)
 Use the built-in DMA controller of the HS peripheral when possible.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define STM32_USB_OTG_FS_RX_FIFO_SIZE   (128U)

Number of endpoints available with the OTG FS peripheral including the control endpoint.

Number of endpoints available with the OTG HS peripheral including the control endpoint

USB OTG FS FIFO reception buffer space in 32-bit words

Used as shared FIFO for reception of all OUT transfers

The application might have to increase this when dealing with large isochronous transfers

Definition at line 95 of file usbdev_stm32.h.


#define STM32_USB_OTG_HS_RX_FIFO_SIZE   (512U)

USB OTG HS FIFO reception buffer space in 32-bit words.

Used as shared FIFO for reception of all OUT transfers from the host

Definition at line 104 of file usbdev_stm32.h.