Set default configuration parameters for the ATCA device. More...

Detailed Description

Set default configuration parameters for the ATCA device.

     The CryptoAuth library defines the data structure ATCAIfaceCfg for
     device initialization. We use this instead of a self defined params
     struct and store it in the params array.
     ATCAIfaceCfg contains a variable for the bus address, which is never
     used by the library. We use it to store RIOT's I2C_DEV.
     We also initialize the baud rate with zero, because RIOT doesn't have
     an API to change baud.


static const ATCAIfaceCfg atca_params []
 Allocation of ATCA device descriptors. More...
#define ATCA_PARAM_I2C   I2C_DEV(0)
#define ATCA_RX_RETRIES   (20)
#define ATCA_DEVTYPE   (ATECC508A)

Macro Definition Documentation


{ .iface_type = ATCA_I2C_IFACE, \
.devtype = ATCA_DEVTYPE, \
.atcai2c.slave_address = ATCA_PARAM_ADDR, \
.atcai2c.bus = ATCA_PARAM_I2C, \
.atcai2c.baud = -1, \
.wake_delay = 1500, \
.rx_retries = ATCA_RX_RETRIES }

Definition at line 60 of file atca_params.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ atca_params

const ATCAIfaceCfg atca_params[]
Initial value:

Allocation of ATCA device descriptors.

Definition at line 74 of file atca_params.h.