Implementation of simulated CAN controller driver using SocketCAN on Linux. More...

Detailed Description

Implementation of simulated CAN controller driver using SocketCAN on Linux.


file  can_params.h
 Default linux can config.
file  candev_linux.h
 Implementation of simulated CAN controller driver using SocketCAN on Linux.

Data Structures

struct  candev_conf
 Linux candev configuration. More...
struct  candev_linux
 The candev_linux struct. More...


 Maximum size of an interface name.
 CAN device configuration type can_conf_t is redefined by native CAN.
 Max number of rx filters which can be set.
 Default bitrate setup.
 Default sampling point setup.
#define HAVE_CAN_T
 CAN device type can_t is redefined by native CAN.


typedef struct candev_conf can_conf_t
 Linux candev configuration.
typedef struct candev_linux can_t
 The candev_linux struct.


can_conf_t candev_conf [CAN_DLL_NUMOF]
 Array containing socketCAN device names.