Gcoap compile configurations

Detailed Description


#define CONFIG_GCOAP_PORT   (5683)
 Server port; use RFC 7252 default if not defined.
 Size of the buffer used to build a CoAP request or response.
 Maximum number of requests awaiting a response.
 Length in bytes for a token. More...
 Disables gcoap startup during system auto init. More...
 Turns off retransmission backoff when defined (undefined per default) More...
#define CONFIG_GCOAP_NON_TIMEOUT   (5000000U)
 Default time to wait for a non-confirmable response [in usec]. More...
 Maximum number of Observe clients.
 Maximum number of registrations for Observable resources.
 Width in bytes of the Observe option value for a notification. More...
 Count of PDU buffers available for resending confirmable messages.

Macro Definition Documentation



Disables gcoap startup during system auto init.

If disabled, gcoap_init() must be called by some other means.

Definition at line 454 of file gcoap.h.



Turns off retransmission backoff when defined (undefined per default)

In normal operations the timeout between retransmissions doubles. When CONFIG_GCOAP_NO_RETRANS_BACKOFF is defined this doubling does not happen.

See also

Definition at line 484 of file gcoap.h.


#define CONFIG_GCOAP_NON_TIMEOUT   (5000000U)

Default time to wait for a non-confirmable response [in usec].

Set to 0 to disable timeout.

Definition at line 494 of file gcoap.h.



Width in bytes of the Observe option value for a notification.

This width is used to determine the length of the 'tick' used to measure the time between observable changes to a resource. A tick is expressed internally as GCOAP_OBS_TICK_EXPONENT, which is the base-2 log value of the tick length in microseconds.

The canonical setting for the value width is 3 (exponent 5), which results in a tick length of 32 usec, per sec. 3.4, 4.4 of the RFC. Width 2 (exponent 16) results in a tick length of ~65 msec, and width 1 (exponent 24) results in a tick length of ~17 sec.

The tick length must be short enough so that the Observe value strictly increases for each new notification. The purpose of the value is to allow a client to detect message reordering within the network latency period (128 sec). For resources that change only slowly, the reduced message length is useful when packet size is limited.

Definition at line 543 of file gcoap.h.



Length in bytes for a token.

Value must be in the range 0 to GCOAP_TOKENLEN_MAX.

Definition at line 439 of file gcoap.h.