Detailed Description


 The default duration of GoMacH's wake-up period (WP). More...
 GoMacH's superframe duration, i.e., time between two consecutive wake-ups. More...
 The maximum duration of the random period at the end of GoMacH's wake-up period (WP). More...
 The maximum duration of GoMacH's wake-up period (WP). More...
 The maximum time for waiting the receiver's beacon in GoMacH. More...
 The minimum gap between neighbor nodes' wake-up phases in GoMacH. More...
 Timeout duration for waiting NETDEV_EVENT_RX_COMPLETE in GoMacH. More...
 Timeout duration for confirming TX-No-ISR event in GoMacH. More...
 Maximum time interval between two consecutive preamble packets in GoMacH. More...
 Time interval between two consecutive preamble packets in GoMacH. More...
 Time interval between two consecutive broadcast packets in GoMacH. More...
 The Maximum preamble duration time of GoMacH. More...
 The transmission slot size in GoMacH. More...
 Maximum times of CSMA TX attempts under busy-indication in the WP period of the receiver. More...
 Maximum WP period extension number in GoMacH. More...
 GoMacH's check-duplicate-packet unit life time in cycle count. More...
 Maximum number of senders allowed to be allocated slots in one cycle. More...
 Maximum t2k attempts before going to t2u in GoMacH. More...
 Maximum t2u attempts before dropping data packet in GoMacH. More...
 Maximum t2u attempts before re-initiate radio in GoMacH. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Time interval between two consecutive broadcast packets in GoMacH.

In GoMacH, when sending a broadcast packet, the sender broadcasts the same packet frame on its two public channels simultaneously, with a total duration of CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_SUPERFRAME_DURATION_US to guarantee that all neighbors will get a copy. This macro defines the time interval between ending two consecutive broadcast copies.

Definition at line 226 of file gomach.h.



The default duration of GoMacH's wake-up period (WP).

GoMacH adopts the duty-cycle scheme that, by default, a node only wakes up for a short period of CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_CP_DURATION_US in each cycle. In the rest of the cycle (except vTDMA), the node turns off the radio to conserve power. CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_CP_DURATION_US should be at least longer than CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_MAX_PREAM_INTERVAL_US, thus to guarantee that the receiver will not miss the preamble packet.

Definition at line 67 of file gomach.h.



Maximum WP period extension number in GoMacH.

In GoMacH, the WP period of a receiver will be extended upon each successful packet reception (except receiving broadcast or preamble packet) to receive more potential incoming packets. This macro defines the maximum WP period extension number allowed in GoMacH.

Definition at line 282 of file gomach.h.



The minimum gap between neighbor nodes' wake-up phases in GoMacH.

To reduce beacon collisions and transmission collisions, GoMacH intends to avoid neighbor nodes' phases being too close to each other. This macro defines the minimum gap between two nodes's wake-up phases. If the sender finds its wake-up phase too closed to its receiver's, it will randomly select a new phase for itself.

Definition at line 163 of file gomach.h.



The maximum duration of the random period at the end of GoMacH's wake-up period (WP).

Currently, GoMacH's WP is actually composed of CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_CP_DURATION_US and (+) CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_CP_RANDOM_END_US. We currently introduced this random period to avoid beacon collision among neighbor nodes. This macro may be removed in the future.

Definition at line 119 of file gomach.h.



Maximum number of senders allowed to be allocated slots in one cycle.

Exclude the static GoMacH MAC header payload in the beacon, which is 20 bytes, we have 107 bytes left for constructing the sender-ID list and the related slots-number list. A combined slots allocation information pair (sender ID with its corresponded allocate slots number) will cost 9 (8+1) bytes, thus we can hold a maximum of 11 i.e., ((127 - 20) / 9), sender IDs in the beacon.

Definition at line 309 of file gomach.h.



Maximum time interval between two consecutive preamble packets in GoMacH.

In GoMacH, a sender first uses preamble stream to track the receiver's wake-up phase (WP), if the receiver's WP is unknown. This macro defines the maximum time interval between twoconsecutive preamble packets.

Definition at line 198 of file gomach.h.



Maximum t2u attempts before re-initiate radio in GoMacH.

After a long period of run time, a radio may be in wrong condition which needs to be re-calibrated. This is indicated by having a series of continuous t2u failures (no preambleACK) in GoMacH. In case we have CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_MAX_T2U_RETYR_THRESHOLD number of t2u failures, then we re-initiate the radio, trying to re-calibrate the radio for bringing it back to normal condition.

Definition at line 350 of file gomach.h.



Timeout duration for confirming TX-No-ISR event in GoMacH.

This macro is used to confirm/catch a case that a transmission doesn't have its NETDEV_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE interrupt event, which is considered as a hardware abnormal event. Upon this timeout expiration, GoMach will accordingly take actions to maintain its state-machine.

Definition at line 187 of file gomach.h.



Time interval between two consecutive preamble packets in GoMacH.

In GoMacH, after a preamble is sent, the sender sets a timeout with CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_PREAMBLE_INTERVAL_US duration for waiting to send the next preamble. Notably, this macro is with a very small value. In GoMacH, for receiving the preamble-ACK packet, the sender doesn't wait for the whole reception of the preamble-ACK. Instead, it only waits for the NETDEV_EVENT_RX_STARTED event which leads to shorter time interval between two consecutive preamble transmissions.

Definition at line 213 of file gomach.h.



Maximum t2k attempts before going to t2u in GoMacH.

After phase-locked with the receiver, a sender runs a t2k (transmit-to-known) procedure to transmit packet to the phase-known device. However, due to factors like timer driftor busy-channel, a transmission attempt may fail in t2k. If the t2k failure count has reached this CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_REPHASELOCK_THRESHOLD, the sender regards phase-locked failed due to timer drift. In this case, it will adopt t2u (transmit-to-unknown) procedure to get re-phase-locked with the receiver.

Definition at line 324 of file gomach.h.



GoMacH's check-duplicate-packet unit life time in cycle count.

In GoMacH, to avoid receiving duplicate-packet, we currently introduce a data type of gnrc_gomach_dupchk_unit_t to record the recent senders' information (especially MAC TX sequence). This macro defines the check-duplicate-packet data unit's life time in cycle count. Once expired, the related data unit will be reset. This macro maybe removed in the future.

Definition at line 295 of file gomach.h.



GoMacH's superframe duration, i.e., time between two consecutive wake-ups.

This macro governs power consumption and GoMacH's reactiveness to traffic loads. In GoMacH, nodes adopt duty-cycle scheme to conserve power. That is, time is divided into repeated cycles (superframes), and in each cycle, a node only wakes up for a short period of time for receiving potential incoming packets for itself. This macro defines the wake-up interval, or, in other words, defines the cycle duration used in GoMacH. If the wake-up interval is short, nodes will wake up more frequently, which leads to quicker reactiveness of the MAC protocol for handling packet reception and transmission, but also results in higher power consumption due to more idle listening. In GoMacH, by default, we regard the wake-up period (WP) as the beginning of a cycle.

GoMacH's superframe duration CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_SUPERFRAME_DURATION_US should not be shorter than 10 times of CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_CP_DURATION_US and not shorter than the RTT tickle interval.

Definition at line 91 of file gomach.h.



Maximum t2u attempts before dropping data packet in GoMacH.

In case the receiver's phase is unknown to the sender, the sender adopts the t2u (transmit-to-unknown) procedure to get phase-locked with the receiver. This macro defines the maximum t2u attempts before dropping the data packet in GoMacH.

Definition at line 336 of file gomach.h.



Maximum times of CSMA TX attempts under busy-indication in the WP period of the receiver.

Senders in GoMacH adopt CSMA scheme to send data packets in the WP period of the receiver. In case of having medium-busy feedback in WP and the TX failure count (due to busy) is below CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_TX_BUSY_THRESHOLD, the sender continue to send the packet with CSMAin the receiver's WP, with the consideration that there may be multi-senders simultaneously competing in WP and the WP will be continuously extended (thus the packet can be received).

Definition at line 270 of file gomach.h.



The transmission slot size in GoMacH.

GoMacH adopts dynamic slots allocation scheme to allocate transmission slots to senders that have pending packets. Each slot is for one data packet with ACK transmission. CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_VTDMA_SLOT_SIZE_US is right sufficient for the transmission of the longest packet in IEEE 802.15.4 with ACK. Should not be changed.

Definition at line 255 of file gomach.h.



Timeout duration for waiting NETDEV_EVENT_RX_COMPLETE in GoMacH.

Sometimes in GoMacH, if a node finds RX ongoing when it is just about to enter the next MAC state, it will set up a timeout for waiting this packet reception complete with a timeout of this CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_WAIT_RX_END_US duration.

Definition at line 175 of file gomach.h.



The maximum duration of GoMacH's wake-up period (WP).

GNRC_GOMACH_CP_DURATION_MAX_US defines the allowed maximum duration of GoMacH's WP period. A node will quit WP once it reaches this maximum duration.

In GoMacH's WP, after each normal packet reception (except broadcast packet), a receiver will automatically extends the WP period (reset WP timeout), to receiver more potential incoming packets, before WP reaches this GNRC_GOMACH_CP_DURATION_MAX_US duration.

Definition at line 134 of file gomach.h.



The Maximum preamble duration time of GoMacH.

Since GoMacH adopts duty-cycle scheme, to probe receiver's wake-up period a sender sends preamble streams to notice the receiver for communication. To ensure that the receiver will catch at least one preamble packet in a critical case that one public channel is jammed, the sender repeatedly broadcasts a stream of preamble packets with the broadcast duration (preamble duration) slightly longer than twice of CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_SUPERFRAME_DURATION_US.

Definition at line 241 of file gomach.h.



The maximum time for waiting the receiver's beacon in GoMacH.

After transmissions in the WP, if the sender still has pending packets for the receiver, it will wait for the receiver's incoming beacon that allocates dynamic transmission slots to it. GNRC_GOMACH_WAIT_BEACON_TIME_US defines the maximum waiting time for the beacon. Once the beacon-waiting timeout expires, the sender will quit the vTMDA (slotted transmission) procedure, and restarts transmissions (started with normal CSMA attempts in the receiver's WP) in the next cycle for sending the pending packets to the same receiver.

Definition at line 150 of file gomach.h.