Detailed Description


file  config.h
 Configuration macros for 6LoWPAN.


 Default stack size to use for the 6LoWPAN thread.
 Default priority for the 6LoWPAN thread.
 Default message queue size to use for the 6LoWPAN thread (as exponent of 2^n). More...
 Number of datagrams that can be fragmented simultaneously. More...
 Size of the reassembly buffer. More...
 Timeout for reassembly buffer entries in microseconds. More...
 Do not override oldest datagram when reassembly buffer is full. More...
 Deletion timer for reassembly buffer entries in microseconds. More...
 Registration lifetime in minutes for the address registration option. More...
 Size of the virtual reassembly buffer. More...
 Timeout for a VRB entry in microseconds. More...
 Message queue size to use for the 6LoWPAN thread.

Selective fragment recovery configuration

See also
draft-ietf-6lo-fragment-recovery-07, section 7.1
Only applicable with gnrc_sixlowpan_frag_sfr module
 Default minimum value for fragment size (MinFragmentSize)
 Default maximum value for fragment size (MaxFragmentSize) More...
 Default value for fragment size that the sender should use to start with (OptFragmentSize)
 Indicates whether the sender should react to ECN (UseECN) More...
 Default minimum value of window size that the sender can use (MinWindowSize)
 Default maximum value of window size that the sender can use (MaxWindowSize) More...
 Default value of window size that the sender should start with (OptWindowSize)
 Default minimum amount of time between transmissions in microseconds (InterFrameGap) More...
 Default minimum amount of time in milliseconds a node should wait for an RFRAG Acknowledgment before it takes a next action (MinARQTimeOut)
 Default maximum amount of time in milliseconds a node should wait for an RFRAG Acknowledgment before it takes a next action (MaxARQTimeOut)
 Default starting point of the value of the amount of time in milliseconds that a sender should wait for an RFRAG Acknowledgment before it takes a next action (OptARQTimeOut)
 The maximum number of retries for a particular fragment (MaxFragRetries)
 The maximum number of retries from scratch for a particular datagram (MaxDatagramRetries)

Macro Definition Documentation



Number of datagrams that can be fragmented simultaneously.

This determines the number of gnrc_sixlowpan_frag_fb_t instances available.

Only applicable with gnrc_sixlowpan_frag_fb module

Definition at line 66 of file config.h.



Deletion timer for reassembly buffer entries in microseconds.

Only applicable with gnrc_sixlowpan_frag_rb module

Time to pass between completion of a datagram and the deletion of its reassembly buffer entry. If this value is 0, the entry is dropped immediately. Use this value to prevent re-creation of a reassembly buffer entry on late arriving link-layer duplicates.

Definition at line 117 of file config.h.



Do not override oldest datagram when reassembly buffer is full.

Only applicable with gnrc_sixlowpan_frag_rb module

When not set, it will cause the reassembly buffer to override the oldest entry when a fragment for a new datagram is received. When set, only the oldest entry that is older than CONFIG_GNRC_SIXLOWPAN_FRAG_RBUF_TIMEOUT_US will be overwritten (they will still timeout normally if reassembly buffer is not full).

Definition at line 102 of file config.h.



Size of the reassembly buffer.

Only applicable with gnrc_sixlowpan_frag_rb module

Definition at line 76 of file config.h.



Timeout for reassembly buffer entries in microseconds.

Only applicable with gnrc_sixlowpan_frag_rb module

Definition at line 86 of file config.h.



Size of the virtual reassembly buffer.

See also
Only applicable with gnrc_sixlowpan_frag_vrb module, but has also a direct influence on the number of available gnrc_sixlowpan_frag_rb_int_t entries.

Definition at line 149 of file config.h.



Timeout for a VRB entry in microseconds.

See also
Only applicable with gnrc_sixlowpan_frag_vrb module.

Definition at line 161 of file config.h.



Default message queue size to use for the 6LoWPAN thread (as exponent of 2^n).

As the queue size ALWAYS needs to be power of two, this option represents the exponent of 2^n, which will be used as the size of the queue.

Definition at line 53 of file config.h.



Registration lifetime in minutes for the address registration option.

This value should be adapted to the devices power-lifecycle so that it is greater than the time the device spends sleeping.

See also
RFC 6775, section 5.8.1
Only applicable with gnrc_ipv6_nib and gnrc_sixlowpan_nd modules. The first provides automatic sending of neighbor solicitations, the latter provides capabilities to build the address registration option as a gnrc_pktsnip_t

Definition at line 135 of file config.h.



Default minimum amount of time between transmissions in microseconds (InterFrameGap)

All packets to a same destination, and in particular fragments, may be subject to receive while transmitting and hidden terminal collisions with the next or the previous transmission as the fragments progress along a same path. The InterFrameGap protects the propagation of to one transmission before the next one is triggered and creates a duty cycle that controls the ratio of air and memory in intermediate nodes that a particular datagram will use.

Definition at line 244 of file config.h.



Default maximum value for fragment size (MaxFragmentSize)

It must be lower than the minimum MTU along the path. A large value augments the chances of buffer bloat and transmission loss. The value must be less than 512 if the unit is defined for the PHY layer is the octet.

Definition at line 186 of file config.h.



Default maximum value of window size that the sender can use (MaxWindowSize)

Must be lesser than 32.

Definition at line 220 of file config.h.



Indicates whether the sender should react to ECN (UseECN)

When the sender reacts to ECN its window size will vary between GNRC_SIXLOWPAN_SFR_MIN_WIN_SIZE and GNRC_SIXLOWPAN_SFR_MAX_WIN_SIZE.

Definition at line 203 of file config.h.