IPv6 addresses

IPv6 address architecture. More...

Detailed Description

IPv6 address architecture.

See also
RFC 4291


file  addr.h
 Definitions for IPv6 addresses.

Data Structures

union  ipv6_addr_t
 Data type to represent an IPv6 address. More...


#define IPV6_ADDR_BIT_LEN   (128)
 Length of an IPv6 address in bit.
#define IPV6_ADDR_MAX_STR_LEN   (sizeof("ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff"))
 Maximum length of an IPv6 address as string.
#define IPV6_ADDR_SITE_LOCAL_PREFIX   (0xfec0)
 The first 10 bits of a site-local IPv6 unicast address. More...
 Static initializer for the unspecified IPv6 address (::) More...
 Static initializer for the loopback IPv6 address (::1) More...
 Static initializer for the link-local prefix (fe80::/64) More...
 Static initializer for the interface-local all nodes multicast IPv6 address (ff01::1) More...
 Static initializer for the link-local all nodes multicast IPv6 address (ff02::1) More...
 Static initializer for the interface-local all routers multicast IPv6 address (ff01::2) More...
 Static initializer for the link-local all routers multicast IPv6 address (ff02::2) More...
 Static initializer for the site-local all routers multicast IPv6 address (ff05::2) More...
 Static initializer for the solicited node multicast prefix (ff02:0:0:0:0:1:ff00::/104) More...


static bool ipv6_addr_is_unspecified (const ipv6_addr_t *addr)
 Checks if addr is unspecified (all zero). More...
static bool ipv6_addr_is_loopback (const ipv6_addr_t *addr)
 Checks if addr is a loopback address. More...
static bool ipv6_addr_is_ipv4_compat (const ipv6_addr_t *addr)
 Checks if addr is a IPv4-compatible IPv6 address. More...
static bool ipv6_addr_is_ipv4_mapped (const ipv6_addr_t *addr)
 Checks if addr is a IPv4-mapped IPv6 address. More...
static bool ipv6_addr_is_multicast (const ipv6_addr_t *addr)
 Check if addr is a multicast address. More...
static bool ipv6_addr_is_link_local (const ipv6_addr_t *addr)
 Check if addr is a link-local address. More...
static bool ipv6_addr_is_site_local (const ipv6_addr_t *addr)
 Checks if addr is a site-local address. More...
static bool ipv6_addr_is_unique_local_unicast (const ipv6_addr_t *addr)
 Check if addr is unique local unicast address. More...
static bool ipv6_addr_is_global (const ipv6_addr_t *addr)
 Check if addr is global unicast address. More...
static bool ipv6_addr_is_solicited_node (const ipv6_addr_t *addr)
 Check if addr is solicited-node multicast address. More...
bool ipv6_addr_equal (const ipv6_addr_t *a, const ipv6_addr_t *b)
 Checks if two IPv6 addresses are equal. More...
uint8_t ipv6_addr_match_prefix (const ipv6_addr_t *a, const ipv6_addr_t *b)
 Checks up to which bit-count two IPv6 addresses match in their prefix. More...
void ipv6_addr_init_prefix (ipv6_addr_t *out, const ipv6_addr_t *prefix, uint8_t bits)
 Sets IPv6 address out with the first bits taken from prefix and leaves the remaining bits untouched. More...
void ipv6_addr_init_iid (ipv6_addr_t *out, const uint8_t *iid, uint8_t bits)
 Sets the last bits of IPv6 address out to iid. More...
static void ipv6_addr_set_unspecified (ipv6_addr_t *addr)
 Sets addr dynamically to the unspecified IPv6 address (::). More...
static void ipv6_addr_set_loopback (ipv6_addr_t *addr)
 Sets addr dynamically to the loopback IPv6 address (::1). More...
static void ipv6_addr_set_link_local_prefix (ipv6_addr_t *addr)
 Sets the first 64 bit of addr to link local prefix (fe08::/64). More...
static void ipv6_addr_set_iid (ipv6_addr_t *addr, uint64_t iid)
 Sets the 64-bit interface ID (as integer) of a unicast or anycast IPv6 address. More...
static void ipv6_addr_set_aiid (ipv6_addr_t *addr, uint8_t *iid)
 Sets the 64-bit interface ID (as array) of a unicast or anycast IPv6 address. More...
static void ipv6_addr_set_multicast (ipv6_addr_t *addr, unsigned int flags, unsigned int scope)
 Sets the bits for an address required to be a multicast address. More...
static void ipv6_addr_set_all_nodes_multicast (ipv6_addr_t *addr, unsigned int scope)
 Sets addr dynamically to an all nodes multicast IPv6 address (ff0S::1, where S is the scope). More...
static void ipv6_addr_set_all_routers_multicast (ipv6_addr_t *addr, unsigned int scope)
 Sets addr dynamically to an all routers multicast IPv6 address (ff0S::2, where S is the scope). More...
static void ipv6_addr_set_solicited_nodes (ipv6_addr_t *out, const ipv6_addr_t *in)
 Set out to the solicited-node multicast address computed from in. More...
char * ipv6_addr_to_str (char *result, const ipv6_addr_t *addr, uint8_t result_len)
 Converts an IPv6 address to its string representation. More...
ipv6_addr_tipv6_addr_from_str (ipv6_addr_t *result, const char *addr)
 Converts an IPv6 address string representation to a byte-represented IPv6 address. More...
ipv6_addr_tipv6_addr_from_buf (ipv6_addr_t *result, const char *addr, size_t addr_len)
 Converts an IPv6 address from a buffer of characters to a byte-represented IPv6 address. More...
char * ipv6_addr_split_str (char *addr_str, char separator)
 split IPv6 address string representation and return remaining string More...
int ipv6_addr_split_int (char *addr_str, char separator, int _default)
 split IPv6 address string representation More...
static int ipv6_addr_split_prefix (char *addr_str)
 split IPv6 prefix string representation More...
static char * ipv6_addr_split_iface (char *addr_str)
 split IPv6 address + interface specifier More...
void ipv6_addr_print (const ipv6_addr_t *addr)
 Print IPv6 address to stdout. More...

Multicast address flags

Values for the flag field in multicast addresses.

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.7
 The address is transient, i.e. More...
 The address is based on a network prefix. More...
 The address embeds the address on the rendezvous point. More...

Multicast address scopes

Values for the scope field in multicast addresses.

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.7
#define IPV6_ADDR_MCAST_SCP_IF_LOCAL   (0x1)
 interface-local scope
 link-local scope
 realm-local scope More...
 admin-local scope
 site-local scope
 organization-local scope
#define IPV6_ADDR_MCAST_SCP_GLOBAL   (0xe)
 global scope
const ipv6_addr_t ipv6_addr_unspecified
 In-memory constants of defined addresses and prefixes. More...
const ipv6_addr_t ipv6_addr_loopback
const ipv6_addr_t ipv6_addr_link_local_prefix
const ipv6_addr_t ipv6_addr_all_nodes_if_local
const ipv6_addr_t ipv6_addr_all_nodes_link_local
const ipv6_addr_t ipv6_addr_all_routers_if_local
const ipv6_addr_t ipv6_addr_all_routers_link_local
const ipv6_addr_t ipv6_addr_all_routers_site_local
const ipv6_addr_t ipv6_addr_solicited_node_prefix

Macro Definition Documentation


{{ 0xff, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 }}

Static initializer for the interface-local all nodes multicast IPv6 address (ff01::1)

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.7

Definition at line 124 of file addr.h.


{{ 0xff, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 }}

Static initializer for the link-local all nodes multicast IPv6 address (ff02::1)

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.7

Definition at line 137 of file addr.h.


{{ 0xff, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02 }}

Static initializer for the interface-local all routers multicast IPv6 address (ff01::2)

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.7

Definition at line 150 of file addr.h.


{{ 0xff, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02 }}

Static initializer for the link-local all routers multicast IPv6 address (ff02::2)

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.7

Definition at line 163 of file addr.h.


{{ 0xff, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02 }}

Static initializer for the site-local all routers multicast IPv6 address (ff05::2)

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.7

Definition at line 177 of file addr.h.


{{ 0xfe, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }}

Static initializer for the link-local prefix (fe80::/64)

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.5.6

Definition at line 111 of file addr.h.


{{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 }}

Static initializer for the loopback IPv6 address (::1)

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.5.3

Definition at line 100 of file addr.h.



The address embeds the address on the rendezvous point.

See also
RFC 3956, section 3

Definition at line 226 of file addr.h.



The address is based on a network prefix.

See also
RFC 3306, section 4

Definition at line 217 of file addr.h.



The address is transient, i.e.

not well-known, permanently assigned address by IANA.

Definition at line 208 of file addr.h.



realm-local scope

See also
RFC 7346, section 3 and RFC 7346, section 5 and

Definition at line 251 of file addr.h.


#define IPV6_ADDR_SITE_LOCAL_PREFIX   (0xfec0)

The first 10 bits of a site-local IPv6 unicast address.

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.5.7
Site-local addresses are now deprecated as defined in SLDEP. They are only defined here for the distinction of global unicast addresses.

Definition at line 69 of file addr.h.


{{ 0xff, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, \
0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }}

Static initializer for the solicited node multicast prefix (ff02:0:0:0:0:1:ff00::/104)

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.7

Definition at line 190 of file addr.h.


{{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, \
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }}

Static initializer for the unspecified IPv6 address (::)

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.5.2

Definition at line 88 of file addr.h.

Function Documentation

◆ ipv6_addr_equal()

bool ipv6_addr_equal ( const ipv6_addr_t a,
const ipv6_addr_t b 

Checks if two IPv6 addresses are equal.

[in]aAn IPv6 address.
[in]bAnother IPv6 address.
true, if a and b are equal
false, otherwise.

◆ ipv6_addr_from_buf()

ipv6_addr_t* ipv6_addr_from_buf ( ipv6_addr_t result,
const char *  addr,
size_t  addr_len 

Converts an IPv6 address from a buffer of characters to a byte-represented IPv6 address.

See also
RFC 5952
addr_len should be between 0 and IPV6_ADDR_MAX_STR_LEN
[out]resultThe resulting byte representation
[in]addrAn IPv6 address string representation
[in]addr_lenThe amount of characters to parse
result, on success
NULL, if addr was malformed
NULL, if result or addr was NULL

◆ ipv6_addr_from_str()

ipv6_addr_t* ipv6_addr_from_str ( ipv6_addr_t result,
const char *  addr 

Converts an IPv6 address string representation to a byte-represented IPv6 address.

See also
RFC 5952
[out]resultThe resulting byte representation
[in]addrAn IPv6 address string representation
result, on success
NULL, if addr was malformed
NULL, if result or addr was NULL

◆ ipv6_addr_init_iid()

void ipv6_addr_init_iid ( ipv6_addr_t out,
const uint8_t *  iid,
uint8_t  bits 

Sets the last bits of IPv6 address out to iid.

Leading bits of out stay untouched.

[out]outIPv6 address to be set.
[in]iidbuffer representing the iid.
[in]bitsBits to be copied from iid to out (set to 128 when greater than 128).

◆ ipv6_addr_init_prefix()

void ipv6_addr_init_prefix ( ipv6_addr_t out,
const ipv6_addr_t prefix,
uint8_t  bits 

Sets IPv6 address out with the first bits taken from prefix and leaves the remaining bits untouched.

[out]outPrefix to be set.
[in]prefixAddress to take prefix from.
[in]bitsBits to be copied from prefix to out (set to 128 when greater than 128).

◆ ipv6_addr_is_global()

static bool ipv6_addr_is_global ( const ipv6_addr_t addr)

Check if addr is global unicast address.

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.5.4
[in]addrAn IPv6 address.
true, if addr is global unicast address,
false, otherwise.

Definition at line 473 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_is_ipv4_compat()

static bool ipv6_addr_is_ipv4_compat ( const ipv6_addr_t addr)

Checks if addr is a IPv4-compatible IPv6 address.

See also
RFC 4291, section
[in]addrAn IPv6 address.
true, if addr is an IPv4-compatible IPv6 address,
false, otherwise.

Definition at line 356 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_is_ipv4_mapped()

static bool ipv6_addr_is_ipv4_mapped ( const ipv6_addr_t addr)

Checks if addr is a IPv4-mapped IPv6 address.

See also
RFC 4291, section
[in]addrAn IPv6 address.
true, if addr is an IPv4-compatible IPv6 address,
false, otherwise.

Definition at line 374 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_is_link_local()

static bool ipv6_addr_is_link_local ( const ipv6_addr_t addr)

Check if addr is a link-local address.

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.5.6
RFC 4291, section 2.7
[in]addrAn IPv6 address.
true, if addr is link-local address,
false, otherwise.

Definition at line 413 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_is_loopback()

static bool ipv6_addr_is_loopback ( const ipv6_addr_t addr)

Checks if addr is a loopback address.

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.5.3
[in]addrAn IPv6 address.
true, if addr is loopback address,
false, otherwise.

Definition at line 339 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_is_multicast()

static bool ipv6_addr_is_multicast ( const ipv6_addr_t addr)

Check if addr is a multicast address.

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.7
[in]addrAn IPv6 address.
true, if addr is multicast address,
false, otherwise.

Definition at line 393 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_is_site_local()

static bool ipv6_addr_is_site_local ( const ipv6_addr_t addr)

Checks if addr is a site-local address.

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.5.7
Site-local addresses are now deprecated as defined in SLDEP. They are only defined here for the distinction of global unicast addresses.
[in]addrAn IPv6 address.
true, if addr is a site-local unicast address,
false, otherwise.

Definition at line 436 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_is_solicited_node()

static bool ipv6_addr_is_solicited_node ( const ipv6_addr_t addr)

Check if addr is solicited-node multicast address.

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.7.1
[in]addrAn IPv6 address.
true, if addr is solicited-node multicast address,
false, otherwise.

Definition at line 499 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_is_unique_local_unicast()

static bool ipv6_addr_is_unique_local_unicast ( const ipv6_addr_t addr)

Check if addr is unique local unicast address.

See also
RFC 4193
[in]addrAn IPv6 address.
true, if addr is unique local unicast address,
false, otherwise.

Definition at line 456 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_is_unspecified()

static bool ipv6_addr_is_unspecified ( const ipv6_addr_t addr)

Checks if addr is unspecified (all zero).

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.5.2
[in]addrAn IPv6 address.
true, if addr is unspecified address
false, otherwise.

Definition at line 322 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_match_prefix()

uint8_t ipv6_addr_match_prefix ( const ipv6_addr_t a,
const ipv6_addr_t b 

Checks up to which bit-count two IPv6 addresses match in their prefix.

[in]aAn IPv6 address.
[in]bAnother IPv6 address.
The number of bits a and b match in their prefix

◆ ipv6_addr_print()

void ipv6_addr_print ( const ipv6_addr_t addr)

Print IPv6 address to stdout.

[in]addrPointer to ipv6_addr_t to print

◆ ipv6_addr_set_aiid()

static void ipv6_addr_set_aiid ( ipv6_addr_t addr,
uint8_t *  iid 

Sets the 64-bit interface ID (as array) of a unicast or anycast IPv6 address.

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.5.4
[in,out]addrThe address to set.
[in]iidThe interface ID as array of at least length 8 to set.

Definition at line 620 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_set_all_nodes_multicast()

static void ipv6_addr_set_all_nodes_multicast ( ipv6_addr_t addr,
unsigned int  scope 

Sets addr dynamically to an all nodes multicast IPv6 address (ff0S::1, where S is the scope).

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.7.1
[in,out]addrThe address to set.
[in]scopeThe multicast address' scope.

Definition at line 654 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_set_all_routers_multicast()

static void ipv6_addr_set_all_routers_multicast ( ipv6_addr_t addr,
unsigned int  scope 

Sets addr dynamically to an all routers multicast IPv6 address (ff0S::2, where S is the scope).

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.7.1
[in,out]addrThe address to set.
[in]scopeThe multicast address' scope.

Definition at line 671 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_set_iid()

static void ipv6_addr_set_iid ( ipv6_addr_t addr,
uint64_t  iid 

Sets the 64-bit interface ID (as integer) of a unicast or anycast IPv6 address.

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.5.4
[in,out]addrThe address to set.
[in]iidThe interface ID as integer to set.

Definition at line 604 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_set_link_local_prefix()

static void ipv6_addr_set_link_local_prefix ( ipv6_addr_t addr)

Sets the first 64 bit of addr to link local prefix (fe08::/64).

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.5.6
[in,out]addrThe address to set.

Definition at line 588 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_set_loopback()

static void ipv6_addr_set_loopback ( ipv6_addr_t addr)

Sets addr dynamically to the loopback IPv6 address (::1).

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.5.3
[in,out]addrThe address to set.

Definition at line 573 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_set_multicast()

static void ipv6_addr_set_multicast ( ipv6_addr_t addr,
unsigned int  flags,
unsigned int  scope 

Sets the bits for an address required to be a multicast address.

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.7
[in,out]addrThe address to set.
[in]flagsThe multicast address' flags.
[in]scopeThe multicast address' scope.

Definition at line 636 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_set_solicited_nodes()

static void ipv6_addr_set_solicited_nodes ( ipv6_addr_t out,
const ipv6_addr_t in 

Set out to the solicited-node multicast address computed from in.

See also
RFC 4291
[out]outIs set to solicited-node address of this node.
[in]inThe IPv6 address the solicited-node address.

Definition at line 688 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_set_unspecified()

static void ipv6_addr_set_unspecified ( ipv6_addr_t addr)

Sets addr dynamically to the unspecified IPv6 address (::).

See also
RFC 4291, section 2.5.2
[in,out]addrThe address to set.

Definition at line 559 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_split_iface()

static char* ipv6_addr_split_iface ( char *  addr_str)

split IPv6 address + interface specifier

E.g., "fe80::1%5" returns "5", changes addr_str to "fe80::1"

[in,out]addr_strAddress to split
string containing the interface specifier.
NULL if no interface was specified.

Definition at line 803 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_split_int()

int ipv6_addr_split_int ( char *  addr_str,
char  separator,
int  _default 

split IPv6 address string representation

Will change separator position in addr_str to '\0'
[in,out]addr_strAddress to split
[in]separatorSeparator char to use
[in]_defaultDefault value
atoi(string after split)
_default if no string after separator

◆ ipv6_addr_split_prefix()

static int ipv6_addr_split_prefix ( char *  addr_str)

split IPv6 prefix string representation

E.g., "2001:db8::1/64" returns "64", changes addr_str to "2001:db8::1"

[in,out]addr_strAddress to split
prefix length or 128 if none specified

Definition at line 789 of file addr.h.

◆ ipv6_addr_split_str()

char* ipv6_addr_split_str ( char *  addr_str,
char  separator 

split IPv6 address string representation and return remaining string

Will change separator position in addr_str to '\0'

[in,out]addr_strAddress to split
[in]separatorSeparator char to use
string following the first occurrence of separator in addr_str.
NULL if separator was not found.

◆ ipv6_addr_to_str()

char* ipv6_addr_to_str ( char *  result,
const ipv6_addr_t addr,
uint8_t  result_len 

Converts an IPv6 address to its string representation.

See also
RFC 5952
[out]resultThe resulting string representation of at least IPV6_ADDR_MAX_STR_LEN
[in]addrAn IPv6 address
[in]result_lenLength of result_len
result, on success
NULL, if result_len was lesser than IPV6_ADDR_MAX_STR_LEN
NULL, if result or addr was NULL

Variable Documentation

◆ ipv6_addr_all_nodes_if_local

const ipv6_addr_t ipv6_addr_all_nodes_if_local

◆ ipv6_addr_all_nodes_link_local

const ipv6_addr_t ipv6_addr_all_nodes_link_local

◆ ipv6_addr_all_routers_if_local

const ipv6_addr_t ipv6_addr_all_routers_if_local

◆ ipv6_addr_all_routers_link_local

const ipv6_addr_t ipv6_addr_all_routers_link_local

◆ ipv6_addr_all_routers_site_local

const ipv6_addr_t ipv6_addr_all_routers_site_local

◆ ipv6_addr_link_local_prefix

const ipv6_addr_t ipv6_addr_link_local_prefix

◆ ipv6_addr_loopback

const ipv6_addr_t ipv6_addr_loopback

◆ ipv6_addr_solicited_node_prefix

const ipv6_addr_t ipv6_addr_solicited_node_prefix

◆ ipv6_addr_unspecified

const ipv6_addr_t ipv6_addr_unspecified

In-memory constants of defined addresses and prefixes.

See also