mini.h File Reference

Calliope mini specific LED handling. More...

Detailed Description

Calliope mini specific LED handling.

Hauke Petersen

Definition in file mini.h.

#include <stdint.h>
+ Include dependency graph for mini.h:

Go to the source code of this file.

#define MINI_MATRIX_ROWS   (5U)
 Number of rows of the LED matrix.
#define MINI_MATRIX_COLS   (5U)
 Number of columns of the LED matrix.
void mini_matrix_init (void)
 Initialize the Calliope mini's LED matrix.
void mini_matrix_on (uint8_t row, uint8_t col)
 Turn on a single LED in the LED matrix. More...
void mini_matrix_off (uint8_t row, uint8_t col)
 Turn off a single LED in the LED matrix. More...
void mini_matrix_set_raw (const uint8_t *buf)
 Write the given 'image' to the LED matrix. More...
void mini_matrix_set_char (char c)
 Write the given character to the matrix, using the Mineplex font. More...
void mini_matrix_shift_str (const char *str, uint32_t delay)
 Shift the given string through the LED matrix. More...

Function Documentation

◆ mini_matrix_off()

void mini_matrix_off ( uint8_t  row,
uint8_t  col 

Turn off a single LED in the LED matrix.

[in]rowrow of the LED
[in]colcolumn of the LED

◆ mini_matrix_on()

void mini_matrix_on ( uint8_t  row,
uint8_t  col 

Turn on a single LED in the LED matrix.

[in]rowrow of the LED
[in]colcolumn of the LED

◆ mini_matrix_set_char()

void mini_matrix_set_char ( char  c)

Write the given character to the matrix, using the Mineplex font.

[in]ccharacter to display

◆ mini_matrix_set_raw()

void mini_matrix_set_raw ( const uint8_t *  buf)

Write the given 'image' to the LED matrix.

In the given buffer, each byte represents one LED in the matrix, hence the buffer MUST be at least 25 byte wide. A byte value of 0 turns an LED off, while any other value turns it on.

[in]bufnew data to display, MUST be at least 25 byte

◆ mini_matrix_shift_str()

void mini_matrix_shift_str ( const char *  str,
uint32_t  delay 

Shift the given string through the LED matrix.

[in]strstring do display
[in]delaydelay between each step [in us]