Interrupt configuration struct for the ADXL345 sensor. More...

Detailed Description

Interrupt configuration struct for the ADXL345 sensor.

Definition at line 125 of file adxl345.h.

#include <adxl345.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t source
 Source of interrupts.
uint8_t map
 Interrupt mapping control.
uint8_t enable
 Interrupt enable control.
uint8_t thres_tap
 Tap threshold.
uint8_t thres_dur
 Tap duration.
uint8_t thres_latent
 Tap latency.
uint8_t thres_window
 Tap window.
uint8_t thres_act
 Activity threshold.
uint8_t thres_inact
 Inactivity threshold.
uint8_t time_inact
 Inactivity time.
uint8_t thres_ff
 Free-fall threshold.
uint8_t time_ff
 Time threshold.
uint8_t act_inact
 Enable ctrl for activity/inactivity detection.
uint8_t tap_axes
 Axis control for single tap/double tap.

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