Device descriptor for DCF77 sensor devices. More...

Detailed Description

Device descriptor for DCF77 sensor devices.

Definition at line 71 of file dcf77.h.

#include <dcf77.h>

Data Fields

dcf77_params_t params
 Device parameters.
dcf77_bits_t bitseq
 contains all Bits from a current cycle
dcf77_bits_t last_bitseq
 contains all Bits from a last cycle
uint32_t startTime
 Timestamp to measure the term of the level.
uint8_t internal_state
 internal States

uint8_t bitCounter
 Counter of the Bits in a Bitsequenz.
dcf77_tick_cb_t tick_cb
 Callback to be called if a new minute starts.
void * tick_cb_args
 Arguments for the tick callback.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: