dfplayer Struct Reference

A DFPlayer Mini device descriptor. More...

Detailed Description

A DFPlayer Mini device descriptor.

Definition at line 184 of file dfplayer_types.h.

#include <dfplayer_types.h>

Data Fields

dfplayer_cb_done_t cb_done
 Function to call when playing a track completed.
dfplayer_cb_src_t cb_src
 Function to call when set of available playback sources changes.
uint32_t last_event_us
 Time stamp of the last event in µs.
uint8_t buf [6]
 Data buffer for response from DFPlayer.
dfplayer_file_t file
 Currently played song.
uint8_t len
 Length of the frame in the buffer.
uint8_t flags
 Flags storing info about the driver state.
mutex_t mutex
 Used to mutual exclusive access.
uart_t uart
 UART interface connected to the DFPlayer.
gpio_t busy_pin
 GPIO connected to the DFPlayer's busy pin.
mutex_t sync
 Used to wait on ISR.
dfplayer_source_set_t srcs
 Set of available playback sources.
dfplayer_rx_state_t state
 Current state of the DFPlayer.

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