DOSE netdev device. More...

Detailed Description

DOSE netdev device.

Definition at line 149 of file dose.h.

#include <dose.h>

Data Fields

netdev_t netdev
 Extended netdev structure.
eui48_t mac_addr
 This device's MAC address.
uint8_t opts
 Driver options.
dose_state_t state
 Current state of the driver's state machine.
mutex_t state_mtx
 Is unlocked every time a state is (re)entered.
uint8_t flags
 Several flags.
uint8_t recv_buf [DOSE_FRAME_LEN]
 Receive buffer for incoming frames.
size_t recv_buf_ptr
 Index of the next empty octet of the recveive buffer.
uart_t uart
 UART device to use.
uint8_t uart_octet
 Last received octet.
gpio_t sense_pin
 GPIO to sense for start bits on the UART's rx line.
xtimer_t timeout
 Timeout timer ensuring always to get back to IDLE state.
uint32_t timeout_base
 Base timeout in us.
- Data Fields inherited from netdev
const struct netdev_driverdriver
 ptr to that driver's interface.
netdev_event_cb_t event_callback
 callback for device events
void * context
 ptr to network stack context

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: