ethos netdev device More...

Detailed Description

ethos netdev device

Definition at line 86 of file ethos.h.

#include <ethos.h>

Data Fields

netdev_t netdev
 extended netdev structure
uart_t uart
 UART device the to use.
uint8_t mac_addr [6]
 this device's MAC address
uint8_t remote_mac_addr [6]
 this device's MAC address
tsrb_t inbuf
 ringbuffer for incoming data
line_state_t state
 Line status variable.
size_t framesize
 size of currently incoming frame
unsigned frametype
 type of currently incoming frame
size_t last_framesize
 size of last completed frame
mutex_t out_mutex
 mutex used for locking concurrent sends
bool accept_new
 incoming frame can be stored or not
- Data Fields inherited from netdev
const struct netdev_driverdriver
 ptr to that driver's interface.
netdev_event_cb_t event_callback
 callback for device events
void * context
 ptr to network stack context

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: