Forwarding table entry view on NIB. More...

Detailed Description

Forwarding table entry view on NIB.

Definition at line 35 of file ft.h.

#include <ft.h>

Data Fields

ipv6_addr_t dst
 destination or prefix
ipv6_addr_t next_hop
 next hop to gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_t::dst
uint8_t dst_len
 prefix-length in bits of gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_t::dst
uint8_t primary
 != 0 if gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_t::dst is preferred default route
uint16_t iface
 interface to gnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_t::next_hop

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: