kw41zrf_t Struct Reference

Device descriptor for KW41ZRF radio devices. More...

Detailed Description

Device descriptor for KW41ZRF radio devices.

Definition at line 102 of file kw41zrf.h.

#include <kw41zrf.h>

Data Fields

netdev_ieee802154_t netdev
 netdev parent struct
- Data Fields inherited from netdev_ieee802154_t
netdev_t netdev
 netdev_t base class
uint16_t pan
 IEEE 802.15.4 specific fields. More...
uint8_t short_addr [IEEE802154_SHORT_ADDRESS_LEN]
 Short address in network byte order.
uint8_t long_addr [IEEE802154_LONG_ADDRESS_LEN]
 Long address in network byte order.
uint8_t seq
 sequence number
uint8_t chan
uint8_t page
 channel page
uint16_t flags
 flags as defined above
int16_t txpower
 tx power in dBm
- Data Fields inherited from netdev
const struct netdev_driverdriver
 ptr to that driver's interface.
netdev_event_cb_t event_callback
 callback for device events
void * context
 ptr to network stack context

device specific fields

 Network driver thread, for providing feedback from IRQ handler.
uint32_t tx_warmup_time
 TX warmup time, in event timer ticks.
uint32_t rx_warmup_time
 RX warmup time, in event timer ticks.
uint32_t rf_osc_en_idle
 RF_OSC_EN bits setting when RF module is in standby.
int16_t tx_power
 The current tx-power setting of the device.
uint8_t flags
 Internal driver option flags.
uint8_t max_retrans
 Maximum number of frame retransmissions when no Ack frame is received (macMaxFrameRetries)
uint8_t csma_max_backoffs
 Maximum number of CSMA backoffs when waiting for channel clear (macMaxCsmaBackoffs)
uint8_t csma_min_be
 Minimum backoff exponent (macMinBe)
uint8_t csma_max_be
 Maximum backoff exponent (macMaxBe)
uint8_t idle_seq
 state to return to after sending
uint8_t cca_result
 Used for passing CCA result from ISR to user.
uint8_t csma_be
 Counter used internally by send implementation.
uint8_t csma_num_backoffs
 Counter used internally by send implementation.
uint8_t num_retrans
 Counter used internally by send implementation.
uint32_t backoff_delay
 CSMA delay for the current TX operation.
uint32_t tx_timeout
 Used to timeout waiting for ACK during TRX.
uint8_t pm_blocked
 true if we have blocked a low power mode in the CPU
uint8_t recv_blocked
 blocks moving to XCVSEQ_RECEIVE to prevent overwriting the RX buffer before the higher layers have copied it to system RAM

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