nrf usb peripheral device context More...

Detailed Description

nrf usb peripheral device context

Definition at line 63 of file nrfusb.h.

#include <nrfusb.h>

Data Fields

usbdev_t usbdev
 Inherited usbdev struct

usbdev_ep_t ep_ins [NRF_USB_NUM_EP]
 IN type endpoints

usbdev_ep_t ep_outs [NRF_USB_NUM_EP]
 OUT type endpoints

NRF_USBD_Type * device
 Ptr to the device registers

size_t used
 Number of bytes from the buffer that are used

uint8_t buffer [NRF_USB_BUF_SPACE]
 Buffer space for endpoint data.
nrfusb_setup_state_t sstate
 Setup request state machine


The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: