rfc_dbell_regs_t Struct Reference

RFC_DBELL registers. More...

Detailed Description

RFC_DBELL registers.

Definition at line 31 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_rfc.h.

#include <cc26xx_cc13xx_rfc.h>

Data Fields

reg32_t CMDR
 Doorbell Command Register.
reg32_t CMDSTA
 Doorbell Command Status Register.
reg32_t RFHWIFG
 Interrupt Flags From RF Hardware Modules.
reg32_t RFHWIEN
 Interrupt Enable For RF Hardware Modules.
reg32_t RFCPEIFG
 Interrupt Flags For Command and Packet Engine Generated Interrupts.
reg32_t RFCPEIEN
 Interrupt Enable For Command and Packet Engine Generated Interrupts.
reg32_t RFCPEISL
 Interrupt Vector Selection For Command and Packet Engine Generated Interrupts.
reg32_t RFACKIFG
 Doorbell Command Acknowledgement Interrupt Flag.
 RF Core General Purpose Output Control.

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