RN2483/RN2903 device descriptor. More...

Detailed Description

RN2483/RN2903 device descriptor.

Definition at line 148 of file rn2xx3.h.

#include <rn2xx3.h>

Data Fields

netdev_t netdev
 Netdev parent struct.
rn2xx3_params_t p
 configuration parameters
loramac_settings_t loramac
 loramac communication settings
char cmd_buf [RN2XX3_MAX_BUF]
 command to send data buffer
mutex_t cmd_lock
 mutex to allow only one command at a time
uint8_t int_state
 current state of the device
mutex_t resp_lock
 mutex for waiting for command response
char resp_buf [RN2XX3_MAX_BUF]
 command response data buffer
uint16_t resp_size
 counter for received char in response
uint8_t resp_done
 check if response has completed
char rx_tmp_buf [2]
 Temporary RX buffer used to convert 2 hex characters in one byte on the fly.
uint8_t rx_buf [RN2XX3_RX_MAX_BUF]
 RX data buffer.
uint16_t rx_size
 counter for received char in RX
xtimer_t sleep_timer
 Timer used to count module sleep time.
uint32_t sleep
 module sleep duration

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: