Set of measured particulate matter values. More...

Detailed Description

Set of measured particulate matter values.

Do not change the member order, as it will break the code that populates the values in sps30_read_measurement()

Definition at line 93 of file sps30.h.

#include <sps30.h>

Data Fields

float mc_pm1
 Mass concentration of all particles <= 1µm [µg/m^3].
float mc_pm2_5
 Mass concentration of all particles <= 2.5µm [µg/m^3].
float mc_pm4
 Mass concentration of all particles <= 4µm [µg/m^3].
float mc_pm10
 Mass concentration of all particles <= 10µm [µg/m^3].
float nc_pm0_5
 Number concentration of all particles <= 0.5µm [#/cm^3].
float nc_pm1
 Number concentration of all particles <= 1µm [#/cm^3].
float nc_pm2_5
 Number concentration of all particles <= 2.5µm [#/cm^3].
float nc_pm4
 Number concentration of all particles <= 4µm [#/cm^3].
float nc_pm10
 Number concentration of all particles <= 10µm [#/cm^3].
float ps
 Typical particle size [µm].

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: