suit_manifest_t Struct Reference

SUIT manifest struct. More...

Detailed Description

SUIT manifest struct.

Definition at line 233 of file suit.h.

#include <suit.h>

Data Fields

const uint8_t * buf
 ptr to the buffer of the manifest
size_t len
 length of the manifest
const uint8_t * cose_payload
 ptr to the payload of the COSE sign
size_t cose_payload_len
 length of the COSE payload
uint32_t validated
 bitfield of validated policies
uint32_t state
 bitfield holding state information
suit_component_t components [CONFIG_SUIT_COMPONENT_MAX]
 List of components in the manifest.
unsigned components_len
 Current number of components.
uint8_t component_current
 Current component index.
uint8_t validation_buf [SUIT_COSE_BUF_SIZE]
 Manifest validation buffer.
char * urlbuf
 Buffer containing the manifest url.
size_t urlbuf_len
 Length of the manifest url.

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