Peripheral MCU configuration for the bluepill/blackpill board. More...

Detailed Description

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 Use the 2nd UART for STDIO on this board.
 Disable JTAG to allow pins being used as GPIOs.


void board_init (void)
 Initialize board specific hardware, including clock, LEDs and std-IO.

Macros for controlling the on-board LED.

#define LED0_PORT   GPIOC
 GPIO-Port the LED is connected to.
 GPIO Port number the LED is connected to.
#define LED0_PINNUM   (13)
 Pin number the LED is connected to.
 GPIO-Pin the LED is connected to.
#define LED0_MASK   (1 << LED0_PINNUM)
#define LED0_ON   (LED0_PORT->BSRR = (LED0_MASK << 16))
 Turn LED0 on.
#define LED0_OFF   (LED0_PORT->BSRR = LED0_MASK)
 Turn LED0 off.
 Toggle LED0.

xtimer configuration

#define XTIMER_WIDTH   (16)
#define XTIMER_BACKOFF   (19)