cc26xx_cc13xx_i2c.h File Reference

CC26xx/CC13xx MCU I/O register definitions. More...

Detailed Description

CC26xx/CC13xx MCU I/O register definitions.

Leon George

Definition in file cc26xx_cc13xx_i2c.h.

#include "cc26xx_cc13xx.h"
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Data Structures

struct  i2c_regs_t
 I2C registers. More...


#define I2C   ((i2c_regs_t *) (I2C_BASE))
 I2C register bank.
#define MCR_MFE   0x00000010
 I2C master function enable. More...
#define MTPR_TPR_100KHZ   0x00000017
 SCL clock period set to 100 kHZ. More...
#define MSA_RS   0x00000001
 Receive or Send. More...
#define MSTAT_BUSBSY   0x00000040
 Bus busy. More...
#define MSTAT_IDLE   0x00000020
 I2C idle. More...
#define MSTAT_ARBLST   0x00000010
 Arbitration lost. More...
#define MSTAT_DATACK_N   0x00000008
 Data Was Not Acknowledge. More...
#define MSTAT_ADRACK_N   0x00000004
 Address Was Not Acknowledge. More...
#define MSTAT_ERR   0x00000002
 Error. More...
#define MSTAT_BUSY   0x00000001
 I2C busy. More...
#define MCTRL_ACK   0x00000008
 Data acknowledge enable. More...
#define MCTRL_STOP   0x00000004
 This bit-field determines if the cycle stops at the end of the data cycle or continues on to a repeated START condition. More...
#define MCTRL_START   0x00000002
 This bit-field generates the Start or Repeated Start condition. More...
#define MCTRL_RUN   0x00000001
 I2C master enable. More...
#define I2C_BASE   (PERIPH_BASE + 0x2000)
 I2C base address.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define MCR_MFE   0x00000010

I2C master function enable.

0h = Master mode is disabled. 1h = Master mode is enabled

Definition at line 63 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_i2c.h.


#define MCTRL_ACK   0x00000008

Data acknowledge enable.

0: The received data byte is not acknowledged automatically by the master. 1: The received data byte is acknowledged automatically by the master. This bit-field must be cleared when the I2C bus controller requires no further data to be transmitted from the slave transmitter. 0h = Disable acknowledge 1h = Enable acknowledge

Definition at line 160 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_i2c.h.


#define MCTRL_RUN   0x00000001

I2C master enable.

0: The master is disabled. 1: The master is enabled to transmit or receive data. 0h = Disable Master 1h = Enable Master

Definition at line 188 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_i2c.h.


#define MCTRL_START   0x00000002

This bit-field generates the Start or Repeated Start condition.

0: The controller does not generate the Start condition. 1: The controller generates the Start condition. 0h = Disable START 1h = Enable START

Definition at line 179 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_i2c.h.


#define MCTRL_STOP   0x00000004

This bit-field determines if the cycle stops at the end of the data cycle or continues on to a repeated START condition.

0: The controller does not generate the Stop condition. 1: The controller generates the Stop condition. 0h = Disable STOP 1h = Enable STOP

Definition at line 170 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_i2c.h.


#define MSA_RS   0x00000001

Receive or Send.

This bit-field specifies if the next operation is a receive (high) or a transmit/send (low) from the addressed slave SA. 0h = Transmit/send data to slave 1h = Receive data from slave

Definition at line 87 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_i2c.h.


#define MSTAT_ADRACK_N   0x00000004

Address Was Not Acknowledge.

0: The transmitted address was acknowledged. 1: The transmitted address was not acknowledged.

Definition at line 125 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_i2c.h.


#define MSTAT_ARBLST   0x00000010

Arbitration lost.

0: The I2C controller won arbitration. 1: The I2C controller lost arbitration.

Definition at line 111 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_i2c.h.


#define MSTAT_BUSBSY   0x00000040

Bus busy.

0: The I2C bus is idle. 1: The I2C bus is busy. The bit changes based on the MCTRL.START and MCTRL.STOP conditions.

Definition at line 96 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_i2c.h.


#define MSTAT_BUSY   0x00000001

I2C busy.

0: The controller is idle. 1: The controller is busy. When this bit-field is set, the other status bits are not valid.

The I2C controller requires four SYSBUS clock cycles to assert the BUSY status after I2C master operation has been initiated through MCTRL register. Hence after programming MCTRL register, application is requested to wait for four SYSBUS clock cycles before issuing a controller status inquiry through MSTAT register. Any prior inquiry would result in wrong status being reported.

Definition at line 147 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_i2c.h.


#define MSTAT_DATACK_N   0x00000008

Data Was Not Acknowledge.

0: The transmitted data was acknowledged. 1: The transmitted data was not acknowledged.

Definition at line 118 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_i2c.h.


#define MSTAT_ERR   0x00000002


0: No error was detected on the last operation. 1: An error occurred on the last operation.

Definition at line 132 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_i2c.h.


#define MSTAT_IDLE   0x00000020

I2C idle.

0: The I2C controller is not idle. 1: The I2C controller is idle.

Definition at line 103 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_i2c.h.


#define MTPR_TPR_100KHZ   0x00000017

SCL clock period set to 100 kHZ.

{PERDMACLK / [2 × (SCL_LP + SCL_HP) × SCL_CLK]} – 1 with SCL_LP==6 && SCL_HP==4 use 0x17 for 100kHZ with 48MHZ CPU clock This field specifies the period of the SCL clock. SCL_PRD = 2*(1+TPR)*(SCL_LP + SCL_HP)*CLK_PRD where: SCL_PRD is the SCL line period (I2C clock). TPR is the timer period register value (range of 1 to 127) SCL_LP is the SCL low period (fixed at 6). SCL_HP is the SCL high period (fixed at 4). CLK_PRD is the system clock period in ns.

Definition at line 78 of file cc26xx_cc13xx_i2c.h.