Microchip SAM R34 Xplained Pro

Support for the Microchip SAM R34 Xplained Pro board. More...

Detailed Description

Support for the Microchip SAM R34 Xplained Pro board.


file  board.h
 Board specific definitions for the Microchip SAM R34 Xplained Pro board.
file  gpio_params.h
 Board specific configuration of direct mapped GPIOs.
file  periph_conf.h
 Peripheral MCU configuration for the Microchip SAM R34 Xplained Pro board.


void board_init (void)
 Initialize board specific hardware, including clock, LEDs and std-IO.

Semtech SX1276 configuration

#define SX127X_PARAM_SPI   (SPI_DEV(0))
#define SX127X_PARAM_SPI_NSS   GPIO_PIN(1, 31) /* D10 */
#define SX127X_PARAM_RESET   GPIO_PIN(1, 15) /* A0 */
#define SX127X_PARAM_DIO0   GPIO_PIN(1, 16) /* D2 */
#define SX127X_PARAM_DIO1   GPIO_PIN(0, 11) /* D3 */
#define SX127X_PARAM_DIO2   GPIO_PIN(0, 12) /* D4 */
#define SX127X_PARAM_DIO3   GPIO_PIN(1, 17) /* D5 */

Board specific configuration

#define TCXO_PWR_PIN   GPIO_PIN(PA, 9)

LED pin definitions and handlers

#define LED_PORT   PORT->Group[0]
#define LED0_PIN   GPIO_PIN(PA, 18)
#define LED0_MASK   (1 << 18)
#define LED0_ON   (LED_PORT.OUTCLR.reg = LED0_MASK)
#define LED0_OFF   (LED_PORT.OUTSET.reg = LED0_MASK)
#define LED1_PIN   GPIO_PIN(PA, 19)
#define LED1_MASK   (1 << 19)
#define LED1_ON   (LED_PORT.OUTCLR.reg = LED1_MASK)
#define LED1_OFF   (LED_PORT.OUTSET.reg = LED1_MASK)

BTN0 (SW0 Button) pin definitions

#define BTN0_PORT   PORT->Group[0]
#define BTN0_PIN   GPIO_PIN(PA, 28)
#define BTN0_MODE   GPIO_IN_PU