pwm_conf_t Struct Reference

PWM device configuration. More...

Detailed Description

PWM device configuration.

PWM configuration.

PWM device configuration data structure.

PWM configuration options.

Each device supports up to 4 channels. If you want to use less than 4 channels, just set the unused pins to GPIO_UNDEF.

define unused pins only from right to left, so the defined channels always start with channel 0 to x and the undefined ones are from x+1 to PWM_CHANNELS.
All the channels not in active use must be set to GPIO_UNDEF; just initializing fewer members of pin would insert a 0 value, which would be interpreted as the P0.00 pin that's then driven.

Definition at line 153 of file periph_cpu_common.h.

#include <periph_cpu.h>

Data Fields

 Timer used.
gpio_t pin_ch [2]
 Output Pins.
timer_div_t div
 Timer divider mask.
TIMER_TypeDef * dev
 TIMER device used.
CMU_Clock_TypeDef cmu
 the device CMU channel
IRQn_Type irq
 the devices base IRQ channel
uint8_t channels
 the number of available channels
const pwm_chan_conf_tchannel
 pointer to first channel config
NRF_PWM_Type * dev
 PWM device descriptor.
gpio_t pin [PWM_CHANNELS]
 PWM out pins. More...
tc_tcc_cfg_t tim
 timer configuration
const pwm_conf_chan_tchan
 channel configuration
uint8_t chan_numof
 number of channels More...
uint8_t gclk_src
 GCLK source which clocks TIMER.
TIM_TypeDef * dev
 Timer used.
uint32_t rcc_mask
 bit in clock enable register
pwm_chan_t chan [TIMER_CHANNEL_NUMOF]
 channel mapping set to {GPIO_UNDEF, 0} if not used
gpio_af_t af
 alternate function used
uint8_t bus
 APB bus.
TPM_Type * tpm
 used TPM
struct {
   gpio_t   pin
 GPIO pin used, set to GPIO_UNDEF.
   uint8_t   af
 alternate function mapping
   uint8_t   ftm_chan
 the actual FTM channel used
 logical channel configuration
uint8_t tpm_num
 FTM number used.

Field Documentation

◆ chan_numof

uint8_t pwm_conf_t::chan_numof

number of channels

number of actually configured channels

Definition at line 319 of file periph_cpu_common.h.

◆ pin

gpio_t pwm_conf_t::pin

PWM out pins.

GPIO pin used, set to GPIO_UNDEF.

Definition at line 184 of file periph_cpu.h.

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